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. Hepatitis B vaccine: public opinion divided on their interest and safety

The public is generally in favor of vaccination against hepatitis B, but a profile of people clearly shows its reluctance to preventive treatment, according to a study presented at a conference organized in Paris by the National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS).
Canvac The survey was conducted by the National Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPE) in collaboration with Canadians about the perception of vaccination in the general population, with France to the specific questions on vaccination against HBV, said Marta Balinska, coordinator of "infectious diseases" in the conduct of scientific affairs Inpes program.

The Canvac general population survey shows an overall "not too negative perception" of vaccination, as the profile of the least favorable to vaccination people, women, people over 50, people with a level of lower undergraduate studies, people living in the South West of France and the Mediterranean.

For hepatitis B vaccination, perception is better among men than among women, 50% of men saying they would vaccinate their infants against hepatitis B if they had one, against 40% of women; 70% of men are also in favor of vaccination in adolescents, against 67% of women, 46% men considering the very safe vaccine, against 40% of women, and finally, 31% of men with no opinion safety of the vaccine, against 23% of women.

In addition, people who have no children under 18 years are more favorable to vaccination against hepatitis B. Some 72% of them would vaccinate a teenager, against 62% of those with a minor. They are also 46% consider it very safe vaccine, against 38% among those with a minor.

Finally, people living in the South West of France are less favorable to vaccination. Some 38% of them would vaccinate their infant, against 49% of those living elsewhere, these figures are respectively 63% and 80% for the vaccination of adolescents.

From these results, we can say that "a lot of work to raise awareness of issues related to the control of infectious diseases, vaccination is a part, but not only" must be conducted among the general public, says Marta Balinska.

As such, INPE is waging with the Institute of Health Surveillance (VS) a survey on the perception of risk of infection, except infection sexual risk in the general population and among health professionals, it should be recalled she said.

Finally, "hepatitis B vaccine should be upgraded in terms of usefulness, not only in relation to the absence or the relativity of risk, and greater involvement of health authorities in favor of anti-HBV vaccine seems necessary, "says the specialist.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →