Asthma care
Asthma is caused by chronic
inflammation of the bronchi causing bronchial spasm.
I - The crisis is characterized by
acute respiratory bradypnea (slowed breathing during exhalation), the emergence
of a productive cough sputum small pearls.
The crisis of the early morning is
Outside attacks, the patient can not
feel anything.
Regression of symptoms under
bronchodilators is specific to the disease.
II - In case of severe crisis,
hospitalization is required.
This severe crisis is characterized
by CYANOSIS (bluish tint of the skin), a draw STERNOCLEIDOMASTOIDIENS muscles,
rapid breathing, rapid heart, sweating.
III - Asthma is often caused by
exogenous factors: allergens to be identified in order to seek their eviction.
The PRICK TESTS are essential to
their identification.
Sometimes it may be of occupational
allergens, drugs (even aspirin).
Also, be aware that the passive or
active smoking, viral respiratory infections, stress, exercise may be triggers.
IV-Regular monitoring of peak
expiratory flow will aid in tailoring treatment.
RESPIRATORY used to search outside the crisis episode, a fixed or reversible
obstructive airway disease under the action of beta 2-agonists.
VI - In case of brief intermittent
attacks with a peak flow greater than 80% of the theoretical value, the
treatment involves the administration of inhaled bronchodilators.
- In case of mild chronic asthma
defined by crises close day or night and the presence of airflow obstruction
revealed by pulmonary function tests, treatment based on the administration of
cromones or inhaled corticosteroids.
- In case of moderate chronic
asthma, characterized by daily nocturnal seizures, use of beta 2 agonists
associated with inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting bronchodilators should
be implemented.
- In cases of severe chronic asthma,
characterized by daily diurnal and nocturnal seizures, also as a therapeutic by
inhalation in moderate chronic asthma, administration of oral corticosteroids
should be exercised.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →