Ocular allergies
ocular allergy is manifested by
itching, redness and swelling conjunctival or eyelid
May involve, tearing, photophobia,
foreign body sensation, burning, or a heavy sensation and dry eye.
Rhinitis, asthma, eczema can
complete this table.
1) animal:
mites, animal dander, cockroaches,
mold and other fungi, microbes (dental or sinus home).
2) vegetable origin:
pollen (grass, grass, trees), straw,
kapok, jute, cotton.
3) foodborne
egg, milk, fish, shellfish,
tomatoes, peanuts, strawberries, chocolate.
4) exogenous origin:
cosmetics, industrial pollutants,
In particular: nail polish, jewelry,
nickel or simply steel (thrombones office for example), household products,
shower gels, shampoo, various creams, sprays.
Sometimes he will think about an
allergy due to the Conservatives that may contain eye drops and allergy care of
contact lenses products.
These contact allergies occur most
often after 24 to 48 hours after contact with the allergen.
they generally appear as eczema of
the eyelids associated with conjunctivitis.
5) Drug-induced:
ophthalmic topical atropine,
antibiotics, topical anesthetics, preservatives.
contact lenses,
responsible for conjunctivitis
Avoid the allergen.
This is essential in eye contact
The médiamenteux treatment based on
the administration of allergy locaux.sous form of eye drops
- Or of the class of membrane
stabilizers (cromoglycate, lodoxamide, for example
- Either to a class of
antihistamines (H 1 antirecepteurs, such as levocabastine).
- It is essential to avoid eye drops
containing cortisone that could have serious consequences such as glaucoma or
cataracts, see the reactivation of a HERPES (see this term).
Adjuvant treatments will also be of
great help:
- Artificial
- Cleaning
lashes saline
- Eyelid massage to promote drainage
of the sebaceous glands.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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