AIDS and mental disorders
Psychiatric and
neurological manifestations of AIDS are present in 60% of AIDS patients.
These events are
primarily infectious brain events related to immune deficiency (toxoplasmosis,
cryptococcosis) or at LYMPHOMA (qv) primitive brain.
The most common
manifestations are however related to the impairment of the nervous tissue by
the virus. The virus has a tropism (attraction) to the white matter, especially
some glial cells (microglia).
The usual
symptoms are:
. memory
. apathy,
. psycho-motor
. the subject is
difficult to focus intellectually
. a general
. sometimes
These symptoms
may be mistaken for a depressive syndrome and can wander the diagnosis.
examination is normal at this stage, the brain scanner also, but can already
indicate hypodense white matter.
Sometimes, the
procession will inaugural psychiatric disease with all the consequences this
may have in subjects with major professional responsibilities, social or

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →