Helper T cells
It is a variety
of CELL (qv) T, which contribute to the production of antibodies with B cells,
so that a critical role in cell-mediated immunity.
lymphocytesT4 HELPER, also called "auxiliary T cells" present
themselves in two subgroups:
- TH1 and TH2
distinguished by the cytokines they secrete.
- TH1 produce
Interleukin IL-2 and Interferon gamma (SEE THESE TERMS)
These cells are
responsible, among other things, delayed hypersensitivity reactions.
TH2 produce
several interleukins IL-4, IL-6, IL-10.
It activates B
cells and differentiation of eosinophils, produce ANTIBODY (see this term) IgE,
and are responsible for allergic reactions.
These cells
strongly reduced in certain diseases such as AIDS. Therefore, immunity
decreases and the body can be reached so-called opportunistic diseases (see
CONDITIONS Opportunistic).

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →