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Why is there a case of diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome?

The irritable bowel syndrome is a very common condition, strong emotion or a high level of stress, and all fires. But we are already posed the question about the mechanism of diarrhea during an irritable bowel syndrome? Take connaissannce in order to better understand the maladie.Voici response.
The irritable bowel syndrome, also known as irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive disorder characterized by altered bowel.

These disorders can be accelerated transit or otherwise, slow intestinal transit:

- In case of accelerated transit, colon can not properly absorb the water contained in food. The water passes through the intestines quickly, thus explains the occurrence of diarrhea (number of stools and their consistency increases rates).

- In some patients, the bowel is slow, which can cause constipation

Diarrhea and constipation can also rotate in the same patient.

Abdominal pain is often relieved by frequent bowel movements which show the consistency changes. However, these signs and their intensity varies from one individual to another.

Other signs can be marked as irritability, urinary symptoms or even a depression. The signs of irritable bowel syndrome may occur for several days to several months, but are also characterized by periods of remission.

The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are unknown, but the role of stress in triggering the disease has been repeatedly demonstrated. The irritable bowel syndrome particularly affects women of thirty, the signs can be recognized in childhood or adolescence. Transit disorders are associated with an increase or decrease in intestinal activity. In addition to the stress and excitement, several other factors also trigger the signs:

- A hearty meal

- Bloating with excessive gas

- Certain medications

- Some foods such as dairy products, foods high in glucose, alcohol, caffeine ...

- Hormonal changes in women


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →