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Anal fissure: healing is possible?

Anal fissure is a common condition and should never be neglected. Constipation, trauma, childbirth, ... the factors involved are numerous. The healing of an anal fissure depends primarily on early treatment but also prevention factors favoring ... Here is our advice.
Anal fissure is a painful tear surface located at the base of the rectum, pain caused by injury are generally more intense during defecation and often associated with the presence of blood in the stool. Itching sometimes present and are causing patient discomfort. The shape of the crack is characteristic touch causes a spontaneous and reflex contraction of the anal sphincter.
Anal fissure is a very common condition among women and infants from 6 months to 2 years. The causes are many, but the constipation and frequent repetition is essentially the main reason for cracks can be caused by the efforts of defecation in hard and dried feces.
People with frequent recurrences or anal fissures are often predisposed to the disease.
Irritation and / or trauma to the anal area may increase the risk of developing anal fissure as
- Localized disease at the anal margin (hemorrhoids)
- Anal repeated trauma (often a thermometer eg installation), sodomy
- Crohn's disease,
- Some sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis or AIDS
- Delivery
- Diseases causing persistent diarrhea
Stress is a particular entity and promotes a predisposing a subject to anal fissure. The anxiety generated can cause the appearance of hard stools even with proper nutrition and hydration.
nal fissures in infants have no exact explanation but is also very common.
The lack of proper care can cause complications. The lesion may extend to the muscles of the sphincter and further aggravate constipation.
An anal fissure is to be treated and the best treatment is prevention, avoiding as much as possible the causes and factors that increase the risk of its occurrence.
- Constipation can be avoided by correcting eating habits foods rich in fiber should be preferred and associated with abundant moisture. Medication is sometimes useful to normalize intestinal transit. It is also advisable not to retain stool.
- The chronic inflammatory bowel require more specific treatment with a gastroenterologist.
- Stress and anxiety disorders periods are sometimes difficult to detect and to liaise with anal fissure. Their presence must prove a specific consultation and may require anxiolytic treatment.
For anal fissure already installed, the initiation of appropriate treatment will cure anal fissure in a few weeks (usually 6-8 weeks). Analgesics or local anesthetics can reduce the pain and are often associated with healing drugs (nitroglycerin ointment for example). The healing medicines also help relax the sphincter muscles and avoid painful contractions.
Surgery is often proposed for last, especially in cases of chronic anal fissure and resistant to drug treatments. The surgical technique used to remove a portion of the anal sphincter muscle to eliminate sphincter contractions. This is done under local anesthesia.
Our tips
- A bath seat a few minutes daily can relieve pain and speed healing

- The scented toilet paper and soap (or other products) are not recommended irritants


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →