The nail toxicities related to chemotherapy reduced by wearing a cooling glove
A cooling glove preventing nail and skin toxicities associated with certain
chemotherapy drugs is used successfully in the oncology department of the
hospital group HEGP-Broussais in Paris.
Presented at the
American ASCO, the study led by Dr. Florian Scotté (oncology department
Professor Andrieu in HEGP-Broussais hospital group) gave excellent results in
the prevention of discoloration, the separation and loss of the nail cancer patients
treated with chemotherapy.
The cooling
glove is based on the same principle as the cooling helmet, which has been
proven in the prevention of hair loss caused by chemotherapy, told Reuters
Health Dr. Scotté. Causing unevasoconstriction, the application of cold glove
reduces contact between the hair root or the base of the nail and the drug
administered, thereby limiting the risk of side effects.
These can be
purely aesthetic and are known as Grade 1 (discoloration, ie color of the
nail), or they can cause pain, and are said to grade 2 (or fall detachment of
the nail).
The so-called
case-control study examined fifty patients. All wore the glove on one hand and
kept the other free. Half (51%) patients showed an discoloration (29%), a
mycolyse (22%) at the glove without hand, against 11% at the hand and glove
with only grade 1 says Dr. Scotté.
The gloves have
also proven effective in the prevention of dry skin, reducing its incidence
from 53% to 24%, he added.
According to
him, "This is a real breakthrough in comfort to provide patients during
chemotherapy." Evidenced by the level of satisfaction, which reached 86%
of patients. The only cons-indications are cold intolerance, Raynaud's syndrome
and distal metastases.
Since the end of
the study, these gloves are used when necessary in the cancer ward of the
hospital group HEGP-Broussais. The distribution company, Acromed, is
responsible for expanding their use to other institutions.
expensive (95 euros glove at 2 pairs chemotherapy), however they can be used
for several years in a row, the coolant after use at -20 ° C about 12 hours
before treatment.
In addition, a
prototype for the feet is under construction and should be a future study on
the prevention of harm to nail this level of the body.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →