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Pregnancy after miscarriage: the test ...

Pregnancy is an important step in the life of a woman. If for doctors, a miscarriage is a common complication, like so many others, for women, it is an ordeal to face. When a restart attempt pregnancy, how not to worry about this new pregnancy ... stay positive!
Spontaneous miscarriage is a very common condition and the risk increases with the age of the woman.

Today, the time between the occurrence of a miscarriage and a new pregnancy is the focus of a discussion as opinions are divided. Some studies show the need for a recovery time on both the physical and psychological level after the miscarriage, a statement also supported by the World Health Organization, which recommends at least a period of six months between a false layer and a new attempt pregnancy. Other observations are favorable for a new pregnancy as soon as possible, when the woman feels ready.

If the first assumption is now being questioned by several medical studies, the second hypothesis seems more relevant today and also justified in order to avoid late pregnancy with the risk of complications is even higher. According to these studies, the longer the wait, the greater the design is difficult and frequent complications (ectopic pregnancy, premature birth, ...).

It is currently difficult to define an ideal time to get pregnant again after a miscarriage. On the physical level, the return of menses with a normal cycle is the only requirement to redesign, the return of menstruation confirms that the reproductive system is functional and ready for the new design. On the psychological level, the motivation of women to try a new pregnancy in calmer conditions remains important for the smooth running of it.

In some cases, especially in cases of recurrent spontaneous miscarriages layers, the causes should be sought and treated. Thus, for medical reasons, it is prudent to follow the advice of the gynecologist before conceiving a baby. The timeout is then justified.

A miscarriage is primarily a traumatic event for a woman. A history of miscarriage may impact on another pregnancy but also has a negative impact on the moral and psychological. The risk of a depression is also very high after a miscarriage.

A new pregnancy turns out to be a great source of hope but troubled by anxiety and constant worry to finally be a real test. The onset is often disturbing, but the pregnancy progresses (first ultrasound, first movements of the baby ...), most women are relieved of his fears and feels reassured.

Our tips

- Stay positive: it is a new pregnancy, which is different from the previous one.

- Share his fears and concerns with your spouse or partner because it is an ordeal for the couple and not for women only

- See a psychologist if necessary, do not suppress your emotions and feelings

- Avoid face his fears alone

- Do not feel guilty

- Practicing relaxation methods

To go further

The beginning of a pregnancy points to know

The beginning of pregnancy


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →