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urinary nfection repeated in women: how to explain?

A urinary tract infection can be debilitating repetition in women and several tests are often necessary. But how to explain their recurrence, what are the factors that contribute to these recurrences ... the answers to these questions need to be known.
Urinary tract infection is a form of bacterial infection that usually affects the various organs of the urinary tract (urethra, bladder, ureters, kidneys). These are the most common forms of infections, especially in women before age 45 in men and after age 50.

Urinary tract infection is caused by the invasion of the urinary tract by bacteria. The infection usually begins with an infection of the urethra (urethritis), to propagate from the bottom to the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis). The causative organisms are usually bacteria from the digestive tract such as Escherichia coli, Proteus, Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli ... has the ability to adhere to the bladder mucosa, this is due to the existence of specific structures on its surface.

Some pathogens from the vagina and are transmitted after sex, however, the infection caused by these bacteria stops at the urethra but does not spread throughout the urinary system.

In women, the invasion of the urinary system of bacteria is facilitated by certain factors. Urinary tract infections also tend to recur, because of anatomical factors, and treatment is often difficult to undertake.

- The short urethra in women facilitates the rise of germs into the bladder

- The proximity of the urethra and the anal orifice facilitates the entry of germs in the digestive tract to the urinary system

- Sexual intercourse: the friction during intercourse facilitates the entry of germs from the vagina to the urethra

- Recurrence is common when the first episode of urinary tract infection appeared very early, at the age of 15 years.

- The use of spermicidal gel

- The change in urinary acidity during hormonal change is a favorable culture medium for germs

- Bad habits in hygiene with the use of products to promote the disruption of vaginal flora, bacteria become pathogenic and move to the urinary meatus

- Certain conditions: uterine prolapse, bladder prolapse, diabetes, certain neurological diseases, renal failure. These diseases are the cause of poor bladder emptying, while promoting bacterial growth.

- Pregnancy causes compression of the urinary system, causing urinary stasis, which facilitates bacterial colonization.

Signs of a urinary tract infection depends mainly on the age of the patient, but also the site of infection. Pyelonephritis is a more serious infection with signs more intense. Urethritis and cystitis often evolves without fever.

Cystitis is an infection that primarily affects the bladder, it often affects women 15 to 65 years. It is the most common form of urinary tract infection in women. There is talk of recurrent cystitis when the signs of infection occur during at least four times a year, despite the initiation of antibiotic treatment.

Recurrent cystitis is usually caused by sexual intercourse, but often occurs in women predisposed. Genetic factors are involved in recurrent urinary infections.

Recurrent cystitis leads to explore the urinary system in the absence of abnormality of the urinary tract, the search for a site or location of the urinary system that retains and accumulates bacteria is necessary. This is called "bacterial reservoir." This may be a calculation, a tumor or a foreign body. A chronic infectious focus gynecologic can also reinfect the urinary system and cause of recurrent cystitis.

Exploration and assessment (ultrasound, intravenous urography, cystoscopy, ...) are often associated with prophylactic antibiotic.

To go further

Urinary tract infections

The urine tests

Last modified on 11/06/2013

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →