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Duodenal ulcer in practice

Disease of young adults, the man and woman.
It is a symptom of DYSPEPSIA brings to view.
Only 30-40% of ulcer have a classic ulcer syndrome (see ULCER DUODENAL).
Smoking delays healing and reduces the effectiveness of treatments.
The hunger pain was suspected peptic disease but is not pathognomonic of ulcer (see pathognomy).
The night time pain is suggestive.
Stimulants (alcohol, spices, vinegar, sugar) cause, as well as hot drinks, suspicious pain.
The type of pain can be absolutely evocative of the actual injury.
Pain relieved by food intake is against an almost constant factor.
The usual duodenal ulcer does not cause diarrhea.
Endoscopy will confirm the diagnosis.
Just 6 hours of fasting to accomplish this examination which will be without general anesthesia and ambulatory (outpatient).
This test is painless although a bit unpleasant. It does not require a work stoppage.
Duodenal ulcer never cancérise, which is not true of gastric ulcer or ulcer of the antrum.
Endoscopy allows the necessary biopsy of the lesion.
The initial treatment should last 4-6 weeks (12 to 16 weeks in case of reflux oesophagitis).
It is based on the administration of inhibitors of the proton pump or anti H2 (anti H2 should be prescribed rather the evening to cover the night hyperacidity).
The administration of alkaline antacid powder is a good help, especially at the beginning of treatment.
This administration should be adapted to the persistence of pain.

Finally, remember that before a dyspeptic syndrome for over two months, in addition to endoscopy, ultrasound of the liver and biliary tract is necessary to search for a possible LITHIASIS.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →