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What think if bleeding outside the rules?

Abnormal bleeding outside the rules, is a sign that worries many most women. Teenage woman in childbearing age, menopausal women, pregnant women, ... the causes of abnormal bleeding are different and should not be neglected. Whatever its abundance, a gynecological consultation is required.

Examples: Cholesterol, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's, ...
A health ZA what to think when bleeding outside the rules?
What think if bleeding outside the rules?

To go further: gynecological disorders | Pregnancy and complications | Youth Health | Contraception risks | risks Contraception | Sexually Transmitted Infections - STI | Cancer Symptoms | Endometriosis Symptoms | Uterine fibroids complications |
What think if bleeding outside the rules? Abnormal bleeding outside the rules, is a sign that worries many most women. Teenage woman in childbearing age, menopausal women, pregnant women, ... the causes of abnormal bleeding are different and should not be neglected. Whatever its abundance, a gynecological consultation is required.

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Bleeding outside the rules is an abnormal sign. The causes can be many and some may be harmless. However, other etiologies require further exploration with more specific treatments.

Bleeding outside the rules is called "bleeding", whatever its abundance. This may be a little bleeding, commonly called spotting. Gynecological consultation is mandatory to know the causes, especially when the bleeding occurs repeatedly.

The doctor often directs his diagnosis based on certain factors:

- The age of the patient (age of puberty, menopause, women in childbearing age), the causes are different according to these criteria.

- Presence or absence of pregnancy

- Characteristics of bleeding: first, abundance, color, pace compared to the menstrual cycle, after sex, the presence of other gynecological symptoms (fever, vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, itching ...), ...

Clinical examination included the pelvic and vaginal speculum examination.

Additional tests may be needed, depending on the orientation of the doctor (ultrasound, hormone assays, hysteroscopy, smear, ...).

One can think of:

Bleeding associated with intercourse can hide serious diseases such as

- Polyps cervical

- Fibroids cervical

- Vaginal infection, infection of the cervix, infection within the uterus

- Sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ...)

- Presence of precancerous tumor in the neck

- Trauma of the vagina or cervix

- Vaginal Dryness


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →