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Chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is usually mild. But an Italian study (University of Verona) was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (29/01/98) seems to show the severity of hepatitis A when it occurs in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
The study showed that the risk of over 40% was possible and that this risk was the occurrence of fulminant hepatitis with a mortality rate of 35%.
Patients who developed fulminant hepatitis were not with cirrhosis, so their liver parenchyma was relatively undamaged.
The reason for the severity of hepatitis A in carriers of chronic hepatitis C is not well understood (autoimmune mechanisms).
This kind of gravity does not seem to be present with chronic hepatitis B carriers.

It is therefore possible to suggest a practice vaccination against hepatitis A in chronic hepatitis C carriers.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →