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cancer occurs mostly

 in men over the age of 40.
It should be noted the negative role in this cancer tobacco and alcohol.
Some pathological predisposing land may also be implicated:
-The chronic atrophic gastritis,
-The anemia BIEMER,
-Adenomatous polyps
-The metaplasia of the gastric mucosa,
-The partial gastrectomy,
-Contamination HELICOBACTER Stomach cancer
The stomach PYLORI
-A family history of gastric cancer or colon,
-Blood group A.
Some exogenous carcinogens are recognized:
The over-consumption of salt,
-Smoked meats,
-Foods containing nitrates,
-The eating and drinking hot,
-Diets low in vitamin A and C.
The telltale signs are:
- Often kind of ulcer pain more or less relieved by meals
- Weight loss
- A decline in general health
- Vomiting, dyspepsia, that is to say, bad digestion
- Loss of appetite
- Sometimes vomiting blood or sometimes loss of black blood from the rectum.
These are often signs that lead to the bastards see: poor digestion, poor general condition.
The diagnosis is confirmed by the endoscopy that is to say, by the endoscopic examination allowing a biopsy that is to say, a sample of the tumor and microscopic examination.
The review NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE abdominopelvic will, before the implementation of treatment, to determine the non-extension of the gastric tumor (lymph nodes, liver metastases).
The histological form of stomach cancer is the most common carcinoma in 85% of cases.
The treatment is almost always surgical, and may sometimes be secondarily associated with chemotherapy.
Prevention of gastric cancer is of course based on the suppression of tobacco and alcohol, especially spirits.
should also be noted that one should avoid eating and drinking hot.
- Any digestive disorder that is hard to see.
- Any weight loss, especially if it is fast, must see.
- Loss of blood vomiting or rectally, must see.
- All down the condition worsening, must see.
The prognosis of gastric cancer would be greatly improved if the diagnosis was made earlier stage of gastric cancer, that is to say limited to MUCOSA and therefore have not yet invaded the muscle of the stomach .
So all persistent gastrointestinal symptoms, even bastard shall promptly conduct a ENDOSCOPY for the earliest possible diagnosis.

All gastric ulcer unhealed after correct treatment will be considered suspicious for malignancy and will have to re-apply for a new endoscopy BIOPSY.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →