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This is a pus collects in the liver, caused by amoebae.

Progressive pain subcostal right spontaneous, but often increased by palpation and in general, a specific point in the hepatic region.

The temperature is moderate, but it can be achieved with high general condition.

The liver is enlarged and there is usually a jaundice

The abscess is often in the posterior part of the right lobe of the liver.

Examination showed an irregular elevation of the right diaphragmatic dome.

The amebic is generally straight to stay (even very distant) in tropical endemic countries and is diagnosed by the discovery of amoeba in the stool, and especially by the positivity of serological tests.

It shows leukocytosis, but without eosinophilia.

Liver tests are often altered.

Complications can occur, such as rupture of the abscess in the lung, the pleura or peritoneum.

it is the administration by a doctor of metronidazole (Flagyl) and Emetine (currently there are specialties Emetine handling easier).

Sometimes it will puncture the abscess and even anticipate surgery.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →