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Breast cancer: what will happen after the treatment?

If breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, the mechanism, signs, treatment and monitoring arrangements are still a mystery to some people. Diagnostic follow-up after treatment, we always ask many questions ...
What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor made up of cells growing at the expense of the mammary gland. Malignant tumor may develop either

- In the lobules, the lobular carcinoma
- In the ducts, the ductal carcinoma.

Breast cancer is generally poorly defined. When the tumor was first developed in the breast, it is called primary tumor. In this case, the cancer cells can spread throughout the body from the bloodstream to form a new tumor location. It is metastasis (lymph nodes, nearby organs, distant organs).
What are the risk factors for breast cancer?

The causes of breast cancer remain unknown, however, the development of breast cancer is mainly due to the influence of several factors:

- The Age
- The existence of a genetic predisposition
- Personal and family history of breast cancer
- Hormonal factors (excess estrogen), especially when faced with a late menopause, early puberty, hormone replacement therapy, late pregnancy or nulliparity
- Smoking, alcohol
- Obesity, physical inactivity
- Prolonged exposure to certain chemical carcinogens synthesis (DDT, BPA, dioxin, ...) exposure
- A history of radiotherapy
- A lack of vitamin D

How to recognize breast cancer?

Swelling is shaped boss which may be fixed or movable relative to the skin during its mobilization.

The treatment ...

Treatment of breast cancer are based on the stage of cancer progression. In general, surgery is the treatment of choice. The need for adjuvant therapy depend on the stage of severity: hormone therapy, chemotherapy, or radiation.

The methods used in surgery also depend on the extent of the tumor as well as the severity of the signs.

After treatment ...

Whatever the treatment undertaken, medical monitoring should be regular. Indeed, local or distant recurrence is always possible. It depends on the stage of development of breast cancer at diagnosis, histological type of cancer cells as well as the extent of the tumor (lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis).

The follow-up to detect the side effects of treatments, for signs of recurrence and accompany the patient through counseling.

Monitoring is done over several years with a medical consultation every 6 months during the first 5 years after the start of treatment and on an annual basis. However, only the physician is able to adjust the pace of consultations based on the severity of signs and risk of recurrence in patients.

Monitoring is essentially based on mammograms on an annual basis, particularly if surgery takes place the first one year after the initial mammogram. In the case of radiotherapy, the first mammogram should be 6 months (minimum) after the end of treatment.
Both breasts should always be examined in a systematic way, as well as the para clinical clinically. An ultrasound may be associated.

All abnormal signs appearing after treatment should alert the patient and undergo a medical consultation.

The main warning signs are the onset of tumor spread in the vicinity of the lymph as well as at the other breast:

- Nodes palpated in the armpits
- Appearance of a lump in the other breast.
- Abnormal healing

Some signs may be less severe but still require medical attention:

- Fatigue, weight loss
- Bone pain
- Cough, shortness of breath, chest pain
- Headaches, numbness, dizziness, ....


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →