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What to do before a person unconscious and not breathing?

It is usually a person who does not respond to stimulation. After confirming the absence of respiration (not breathing, no movement of the chest), check the pulse. Now You Can awaiting rescue.
How to check the pulse?

The pulse reflects heart activity. Its frequency is normally regular and corresponds to the heartbeat. The perception of the pulse also gives information on blood pressure. When the pulse is weak or difficult to discern, it means that the blood pressure dropped.

There are several areas on which the pulse palpation is possible, but in any case, palpation should be performed with 2-4 fingers (except the thumb) on the arterial route chosen. These regions are normally symmetrical on both sides of the body.

Palpation of the pulse is usually done at

- The radial artery on the left side of the wrist (palm forward)

- The femoral artery in the groin (in the middle)

- The carotid artery on the neck

An absent breathing with cardiac activity

If not breathing but with a normal heartbeat, practice mouth-to-mouth. This maneuver is to blow air into the upper airway of the victim, by mouth. To do this,

- Tilt the head of the victim back slightly;

- Place the victim on the ground or on a vertical plane and hard

- Stand on the left side of the victim, place your right hand on his forehead, pinching the nose with the thumb and forefinger;

- Keep the open mouth of the victim by lifting the chin with your left hand.

- Breathe the air, a slow, steady and normal, putting your mouth over the victim. Normally, with the supply air, the chest should rise gradually. To maintain proper hygiene, you can use a tissue or a clean cloth before applying this maneuver.

After each 2 breaths that last almost a second check for the existence of a respiratory movement at the chest of the victim.

Cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest

When the pulses are absent, it is necessary to perform cardiac massage. This maneuver is to make cuts at the chest area to stimulate cardiac activity. This maneuver can be done while waiting for rescue.

To do this,

- Unbutton the shirt or clothing of the victim in order to bare his chest;

- Place the victim on the ground;

- Put on your knees next to the victim;

- Place the heel of your hand on the small of the sternum, in the middle of the chest (between the breasts);

- Press with the other hand and exercise, arms outstretched, a pressure at the chest, the chest should be compressed to 3-4 cm deep;

- Release the chest for a few seconds and repeat the compression.

In general, in case of cardio-respiratory arrest, the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and heart massage should be rotated. This is fifteen to thirty chest compressions, alternating with two breaths of air on the mouth of the victim.

Attention made a wrong maneuver could cause rib fractures and increases the health of the victim. In this case, let a more experienced person.

It is advisable to regularly check the resumption of cardiac activity; maneuvers must be stopped when the patient breathing and heartbeat resumed.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →