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Screening for AIDS

The testing of AIDS is to a blood test to detect the presence there of anti-HIV *.
Screening is recommended for people at risk.
Those most at risk
- Homosexuals and sex workers, drug users
- People with multiple sexual partners
- Children born to a woman with AIDS
- People who have had unprotected sex
- People exposed to health care professionals, police officers, firefighters, rescue
- People with a history of blood transfusion or organ transplant
* Anti-HIV antibodies: These are particles produced by the immune body to detect and neutralize the HIV virus when they are found in the blood.
HIV and Reporting
  AIDS is a notifiable disease, such as rabies, measles and dengue.
The doctor sends some information concerning the patient (eg, age, place of residence, occupation, ...) while maintaining the anonymity of the patient.

These data are collected in an epidemiological and statistical interest, in order to develop public health strategies more appropriate in the context of the fight against AIDS.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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