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What can be the causes of chest pain?

Acute or chronic, permanent or temporary burning or constriction, ... The characteristics of the pain are many, and it is better not to venture. So let the doctor care to elucidate the causes of our pain. You just have to trust us and we answer the questions correctly ...
Chest pain is a common sign, and may conceal a disease that can be life-threatening, while requiring urgent care.
The causes of chest pain are many, and you should consult a doctor to receive early treatment immediately.
The description of the patients is not always specific to a particular disease, only the characteristics of the pain can guide the physician to a diagnosis:
- Start, right seat (retro-sternal chest-lateral, basi-thoracic), irradiation, acute or chronic nature
- Type of pain: burning, twisting, pinching, gravity, pinch ...
- Mode of occurrence: triggers, calming factors, factors contributing or aggravating
- Personal and family medical history (venous thromboembolism, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, ...)
- Sign and associated chaperones: This criterion is very important because the doctor can refer to cardiac causes (cough, tachycardia, hypotension, ...), respiratory (cough, shortness of breath, sputum, ...), stomach (nausea, vomiting), ...
According to the results of the interview and clinical examination, the doctor will also guide any additional tests that can confirm the diagnosis. Chest X-ray and ECG are usually the first tests to be performed and are sometimes necessary.
Thus, chest pain can have several causes:
Before chest pain, medical consultation is also intended to diagnose causes that require urgent care for. In general, these causes can manifest severe signs such as respiratory distress, cyanosis, palpitation, hypotension, agitation, sweating, paleness ... Thus, a medical consultation is urgent in the presence of these signs.

Psychological causes are generally established finally, when no obvious cause could be found. However, this analysis takes into account the psychological profile of the patient, as well as psychiatric history.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →