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How does a blood donation?

Blood donation can save many lives, but due to concerns about the risks, donors may be reluctant to perform this action. Rest assured, donating blood is not hazardous as long as the criteria are met. Here's how it goes ...
Blood donation, what is it?

Blood donation is an act by which a volunteer voluntary ok to take a certain amount of blood to be transfused to a patient who needs (blood transfusion).

A blood donor must have a completed medical form stating their age, weight, history (blood donation, diseases ...) and his health. In order to be selected, a blood donor must be healthy to ensure their safety as well as that of the recipient.

Who can not donate blood?

Some people can not be selected as a donor, such as:

- Minors (under 18 years in France). The maximum age depends on the particular type of donation. In general, a donation is possible until the age of 70, as long as the donor is in good health.

- People with sexually transmitted infections

- People with systemic diseases such as diabetes, allergies, cancer, ...

- Drug addicts, persons undergoing medical treatment

- People who have had unprotected sex and risk (multiple partners, homosexuality, ...)

- People who have made tattoos or piercing a few months before giving blood

- People who have had surgery a few months before giving blood

- The people who carried out dental care within 3 days prior to donation

- People who have recently stayed in areas where certain diseases are endemic (eg malaria)

- People who have had organ transplants or a history of blood transfusion

- Pregnant or lactating women

 Some of these conditions are not permanent cons-indications (such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, taking medication). However, it is always wise to talk to the doctor before making a donation.

 There are also some criteria that may prohibit blood donation at the last moment, when:

- There is a fever (temperature greater than 37.5 ° C)

- Blood pressure is too low or too high

- The person has to be vaccinated

- When the hemoglobin is lowered

- When the person comes to do a sport or strenuous exercise

- When a woman is menstruating with heavy periods

The course ...

When the conditions are met, a donor may make several donations, which can be done on a regular basis, if desired. However, the interval of a minimum of 8 weeks (France) between whole blood donations must be respected. However, this interval depends mainly on the type of gift (donation of whole blood, platelet donation, plasma donation, donate red blood cells) but also the rules applied for each country.

The day of collection, the donor must eat well and drink plenty of water before coming to lab. Fats are however to avoid.

Blood samples were taken prior to then be tested to rule out any risk of infection or disease (sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, malaria, blood diseases ...).

The sampling is performed at the antecubital vein, and usually only lasts a few minutes to a whole blood donation, the amount of blood collected must not be less than 450 ml (corresponding to a blood bag) . However, this amount must take into account the age, sex, weight of the donor, but also the type of donation (the amount may be higher if plasma donation or a donation of platelets).

After collection, the blood collected is prepared. If the tests on the samples are normal and show no disease, blood bag can be stored and delivered to a patient in a hospital needing a blood transfusion.

Our tips

For the donor, there are, after taking certain measures to be applied in order to avoid complications:

- Apply pressure at the point of injection for 10 minutes to accelerate blood clotting and prevent the formation of a hematoma, do not remove the compression bandage for at least 2 to 6 hours

- Eat and drink plenty of water to avoid discomfort or hypotension

- Ensure a balanced diet, focus on foods rich in iron

- Sit lying

- Avoid intense sports for a few days after collection (about 1 to 2 days), physical activity should be limited during the 6-8 hours after donation

- Avoid tobacco after donation

- The doctor is sometimes necessary to prescribe iron after blood donation

Should we worry after donating blood?

There is no need to worry about the renewal of blood taken, the body takes about 24 hours to replace all the liquid collected. It also depends on the amount taken. On whole blood collected, it will be replaced after 6 to 8 weeks, which justifies the respect of the period before another blood donation. This also justifies the prohibition of giving blood to individuals who have made a strenuous sport before donation, the renewal of the body is faster in a person in great shape. In addition, the minimum weight of 50 kg is also respected because can influence the time of renewal.

Blood and plasma are quickly replaced in a few hours platelets, red blood cells are replaced by bone marrow after about 15j. This also explains that the time interval between two donations of plasma (2 weeks) or two platelet donations (4 weeks), and two whole blood donations (8 weeks) are not the same.

The sample taken during a blood donation is not painful, no risk and remain secure (hardware, donor assistance, ...).

Blood donation is an act that saves lives. As the criteria and conditions are met (including good health), there is no danger or complications related to blood donation.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →