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How to fight against frostbite?

Frostbite is very common winter ailments, prevention is the best treatment. Thus, very simple measures to avoid, drugs are necessary in case of recurrence or complications ...

Frostbite are diseases that particularly affect the hands and feet in winter, characterized by signs of hypersensitivity to cold

- Swelling of the extremities,

- Redness (with the appearance of red spots)

- Type of burning pain or stinging at the affected parties, at a later stage, the subject may feel tingling

- Itching in swelling

The ears and nose may also be affected.

Frostbite is generally related to circulatory problems associated with exposure to cold and moisture (excessive vasoconstriction), which sometimes explains the onset of cyanosis of the extremities.

Frostbite would be much more common in women and children.

If frostbite are very common and benign conditions that can heal in a few weeks, they still require supported and adequate care. Indeed, frostbite can develop and cause cracks or infections. A medical consultation is sometimes necessary to diagnose and distinguish frostbite of other skin related to the cold conditions.

There is no specific treatment that can cure frostbite, because it must be essentially preventive. However, some simple steps to a healthy lifestyle may limit their development. Drug treatments are generally initiated in case of recurrence and complications:

- In winter, wear woolen gloves and a wool hat, appropriate shoes that trap heat,

- Avoid tight so as not to disturb the blood circulation shoes, ensure the comfort and warmth of feet wide shoes

- Wear warm, dry socks

- Warm the affected part: bath feet or hands in warm water, applying warm compresses (avoid excessive heat)

- Do not hesitate to gently wiggle your toes and fingers to improve blood circulation

- In case of itching, avoid scratching to avoid further damage, it is better to perform very gentle massage

- Some products allow easy healing if cracked or ulceration swab of Vaseline, applying alcohol camphor

- Avoid alternating cold and extreme heat also avoid abrupt move from cold to hot

- Ensure a balanced diet, focus on foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin B

- Stop smoking (tobacco would vasoconstrictor effects on the fingers, which would increase and facilitate the onset of frostbite)

- Some medications are sometimes necessary as vasodilators or topical ointments prescribed by a doctor

- In case of recurrence of frostbite at the same location, consider wearing insoles or orthotics protection

A consultation is mandatory in case of frostbite occurring in a person with diabetes or a person under treatment with vasoconstrictor drugs.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →