How to avoid an asthma attack?
Asthma has now become a very common disease. A poorly controlled asthma attack can endanger life-threatening patient because the risk of respiratory distress is important. Better then to avoid, so take knowledge of the signs of an asthma attack and consider measures that can prevent it. Here are our tips.
Asthma is a respiratory disease related to inflammation and excessive activity of the bronchi. Bronchial edema associated with bronchospasm (constriction of bronchial muscles) and an overproduction of mucus favor a gene on the passage and the air flow at this level. This then manifests as difficulty breathing and the patient often complains of chest tightness.
The causes of asthma are still poorly specified, however, researchers agree on the involvement of genetic factors and environmental factors (allergens, smoke, pollution, for example). Asthma can be caused by stress or may be allergic in origin but the mechanism is generally the same and it is always linked to an increase in bronchial sensitivity to certain substances or factors.
Asthma is a chronic condition resulting in periods of crisis and periods of normal breathing. Asthma attacks are often triggered in the morning and sometimes at night, after a patient's exposure to triggers that are intolerable to him. Crises are mainly due to an exaggeration of airway inflammation. It often begins with a dry cough and shortness of breath will become progressively worse. The wheezing and the subject has a productive cough. When an asthma attack lingers long, it can have adverse effects on breathing and heart function. Respiratory distress is usually the main cause of death in asthmatic patients whose signs are poorly managed and badly treated. An asthma attack is severe when the sounds of heart speed up, the patient was agitated and sweating, lips and fingertips are blue (for lack of oxygen), drugs commonly used do not meet.
Some factors are considered risk factors as may increase the risk of developing an asthma attack. It is especially obesity, atopy, the low birth weight, prematurity, gastroesophageal reflux.
There are no specific ways that prevent asthma since the genetic factor is greatly involved. However, an asthma attack can be prevented by avoiding triggering factors that must be known by the patient himself. These triggers are different from one person to another and it is important to know.
An asthma attack can also be supported from the very first signs, with the aim of taking the drugs even before the worsening signs to avoid complications such as respiratory distress.
When asthma is related to an allergy, desensitization most often the best care.
Support a person with asthma is mainly based on his education and information about his illness. Knowledge of triggers avoids repeated crises and to better understand the disease by therapy.
An asthma attack is usually treated with bronchodilators that are only prescribed to reduce breathing difficulties. DMARDs are generally used outside of crises and have slower effects are corticosteroids, some bronchodilators, theophylline ...
Our tips
People with asthma are extremely sensitive and hygiene rules must be strict:
- Avoid having pets at home (dogs and cats)
- Do not expose the pollen including spring
- Avoid irritants (eg cosmetics)
- Wash and dry the bedding regularly, pillows and mattresses, all these materials exhibit daily in the sun to destroy the mites
- Avoid carpets, rugs, stuffed animals, ... because these materials are places subject to dust mites
- Ensure air in the bedroom, avoid damp, unventilated rooms
- Do not smoke and avoid cigarette smoke of others
- Settling if possible in the periphery, in areas further away from the pollution of the urban environment
- While covering winter and avoid going out in the cold
- Avoid triggering medicines including aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
- Ability to manage stress, anxiety and excitement
- Apply appropriate soft exercise (walking, swimming)
To go further
Food allergies in connection with allergic respiratory diseases
What triggers an asthma attack
What do you know about asthma?

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →