Is the exteriorization of viscera of the abdominal cavity in relation to the impairment of muscular wall.
Inguinal hernia (the groin) is more common in men.
The femoral hernia (thigh) is more common in women.
Functional impairment is more or less important depending on the size of the hernia.
The patient can stand to judge the hernia mass especially if the subject coughs.
It should be noted the umbilical hernia in newborn often fine only when the child grows up, otherwise, surgery will be necessary, that is to say the surgery.
If the hernia is not too large, the truss may suffice.
If the hernia is large, surgical treatment is necessary to prevent the dreaded complication is strangulated hernia causing INTESTINAL OCCLUSION, which is an absolute surgical emergency.
Symptoms of acute intestinal obstruction:
The patient has a sudden severe pain accompanied by vomiting or nausea with stopping materials and gases.
The hernia is not reducible and palpation has become very painful.
Abdominal bloating moved (gas in the colon and the small intestine that cause gas expansion of the abdomen) (see INTESTINAL OCCLUSION).

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →