Viral hepatitis
Three types of virus are responsible for viral hepatitis.
- The hepatitis A is an entero virus is excreted in the feces.
Infection occurs through food contaminated by human contact swallowed.
The hepatitis A virus is usually mild, it is easy to cure jaundice only with rest in about three weeks (see JAUNDICE).
Just watch some biological parameters: TRANSAMINASES, RATE PROTHROMBIN in particular (see these terms).
There may be prolonged forms of hepatitis A but never progresses to chronicity.
- The hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus.
It is present in the blood and some secretions (semen and vaginal secretions) of infected patients.
Population groups at high risk of contamination are drug addicts, homosexuals and hemophiliacs, when multiple transfusions.
The intermediate-risk group is represented by health professionals (doctors, nurses, dentists).
Mothers infected B can transmit the disease to their babies during childbirth.
Infected children in this way can become chronic carriers of the virus B, especially in Black Africa.
The symptoms are similar to those of hepatitis A virus, the risk of progression to severe hepatitis is greater, and therefore the biological monitoring should be stricter.
- Delta virus, very particular, can not replicate (reproduce) than among patients with B virus.
It is in fact incapable of synthesizing the envelope and uses the virus envelope B for its propagation.
It is transmitted through blood, especially among drug addicts.
- Finally, the virus non-A, non-B, blood-borne, so drug addicts and especially in multiple transfusions.
Nearly half of these post-tranfusionnelles hepatitis will become chronic and many of them to cirrhosis and to hepatocellular carcinoma cell.
Against the virus, there is no vaccine.
The hygienic precautions hepatitis A cases reported are somewhat illusory.
If major epidemic, injection of intramuscular immunoglobulin can protect for about 2 months.
Against influenza B, there are two vaccines: HEVAC B and B HEVAC Gen.
The second is prepared by Genetic Engineering (genetic manipulation).
Vaccination is very effective in 90% of cases.
It is the vaccine subject to risks that are devoid of marker B virus, although vaccination of carriers of the marker is safe.
Members of the health professions should be vaccinated, sexual partners of HIV-infected B or persons living under the same roof a known carrier.
There is currently no vaccine against the virus non-A, non-B.
It should be noted that the newly discovered marker of hepatitis non-A, non-B hepatitis C virus that is now called.
Against hepatitis A, just bed rest and no alcohol.
Against hepatitis B, we can use the high-dose corticosteroids, certain antiviral drugs and interferon in some cases.
Against hepatitis non-A, non-B, interferon seems effective.
In conclusion, the diagnosis of hepatitis A, B or C is a study of antibodies in the patient's blood which allows the differentiation discussed here.
- The hepatitis A is an entero virus is excreted in the feces.
Infection occurs through food contaminated by human contact swallowed.
The hepatitis A virus is usually mild, it is easy to cure jaundice only with rest in about three weeks (see JAUNDICE).
Just watch some biological parameters: TRANSAMINASES, RATE PROTHROMBIN in particular (see these terms).
There may be prolonged forms of hepatitis A but never progresses to chronicity.
- The hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus.
It is present in the blood and some secretions (semen and vaginal secretions) of infected patients.
Population groups at high risk of contamination are drug addicts, homosexuals and hemophiliacs, when multiple transfusions.
The intermediate-risk group is represented by health professionals (doctors, nurses, dentists).
Mothers infected B can transmit the disease to their babies during childbirth.
Infected children in this way can become chronic carriers of the virus B, especially in Black Africa.
The symptoms are similar to those of hepatitis A virus, the risk of progression to severe hepatitis is greater, and therefore the biological monitoring should be stricter.
- Delta virus, very particular, can not replicate (reproduce) than among patients with B virus.
It is in fact incapable of synthesizing the envelope and uses the virus envelope B for its propagation.
It is transmitted through blood, especially among drug addicts.
- Finally, the virus non-A, non-B, blood-borne, so drug addicts and especially in multiple transfusions.
Nearly half of these post-tranfusionnelles hepatitis will become chronic and many of them to cirrhosis and to hepatocellular carcinoma cell.
Against the virus, there is no vaccine.
The hygienic precautions hepatitis A cases reported are somewhat illusory.
If major epidemic, injection of intramuscular immunoglobulin can protect for about 2 months.
Against influenza B, there are two vaccines: HEVAC B and B HEVAC Gen.
The second is prepared by Genetic Engineering (genetic manipulation).
Vaccination is very effective in 90% of cases.
It is the vaccine subject to risks that are devoid of marker B virus, although vaccination of carriers of the marker is safe.
Members of the health professions should be vaccinated, sexual partners of HIV-infected B or persons living under the same roof a known carrier.
There is currently no vaccine against the virus non-A, non-B.
It should be noted that the newly discovered marker of hepatitis non-A, non-B hepatitis C virus that is now called.
Against hepatitis A, just bed rest and no alcohol.
Against hepatitis B, we can use the high-dose corticosteroids, certain antiviral drugs and interferon in some cases.
Against hepatitis non-A, non-B, interferon seems effective.
In conclusion, the diagnosis of hepatitis A, B or C is a study of antibodies in the patient's blood which allows the differentiation discussed here.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →