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Comment se manifeste la crise hémorroïdaire ?

Hemorrhoidal crisis is manifested by feelings of tension and heaviness in the anal canal.
Hemorrhoidal crisis is manifested by feelings of tension and heaviness in the anal canal
External hemorrhoids are more painful than internal hemorrhoids. Indeed, the lower rectum contains no nerve fibers where the absence of pain in case of internal hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids

No pain
Feeling of heaviness or discomfort especially during bowel movements
Itching and inflammation
Bright red blood before / after the stool or on the toilet paper
Mucous stools

External hemorrhoids

Visible swelling of the outer
Burning sensation around the anus
Pain exaggerated by the passage of stool
Itching and inflammation
Especially bleeding during defecation
Incomplete evacuation of stool sensation

Without proper care, a hemorrhoidal crisis can develop into complications. Hemorrhoidal thrombosis is a common complication of external hemorrhoid.

A hemorrhoidal thrombosis is characterized by formation of a blood clot causing obstruction of the hemorrhoidal vein. It is in the form of swelling and blue smooth; pain is brutal, intense and prevents any seating position.

Excision of the hemorrhoid removal of clot and rapidly relieves the patient. The procedure is done under local anesthesia.

Internal hemorrhoids can come out of the anus during bowel movements: this is called prolapse or prolapsed hemorrhoids.
When the sphincter muscle is contracted around the prolapse, blood circulation becomes impossible. The hemorrhoid is found compressed outside the anal orifice. This is strangled prolapse.

Continuous bleeding hemorrhoids may cause anemia.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →