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Hemorrhoids: when and whom to consult?

HéL'apparition of hemorrhoidal disease should not be neglected and self-medication is strongly déconseillée.morroïdes when and whom to consult?
It is prudent to consult a doctor before following signs:

- Bleeding during defecation
- Itching and chronic irritation
- Severe and chronic pain (over 48 hours)
- Complications of hemorrhoidal disease previously diagnosed by a doctor.

  The GP made ​​the diagnosis and eliminate other diseases cause anal bleeding.
The characteristics of hemorrhoids can be determined with a digital rectal exam performed by the proctologist (external or internal types, evolution and stages). Internal hemorrhoids can be visualized with an anoscope (or anoscope) or proctoscope.

However, the gastroenterologist is the specialist of the digestive tract. The proctologist specializes in conditions affecting the anus and rectum. Surgical and instrumental treatments are performed by these specialists.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →