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Hemorrhoidal disease prevention

Preventing hemorrhoidal crisis is focused on maintaining a healthy habit and adapted life.
Consuming foods rich in fiber to get loose stools and facilitate their evacuation

Do not hold stool and regularly go to the toilet

Avoid sitting a long time on the toilet seat and this reduces blood circulation in the anal area

Avoid foods that irritate the anal mucosa such as coffee, alcoholic beverages, spicy foods (mustard, chili), cola, beer and salty foods

Ensure adequate hydration during the day: 1.5 liters of water per day at least

Practice a regular exercise: walking and swimming are more encouraged to improve intestinal transit cycling and horse riding are to avoid

Monitor overweight

Avoid wearing heavy loads, sudden and violent efforts that could induce abdominal tension and increase the venous pressure

Correct posture: Avoid prolonged sitting and prolonged standing; prefer walking.

For pregnant women lie on the side is the best position to relax. It is advisable to change sides regularly

Ability to manage stress (relaxation, rest) and ensure full and restful sleep

Avoid anal sex

Stop smoking


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →