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What is Pityriasis Rosea?

The pityriasis rosea, skin disease whose eruptions are distinctive and easy to recognize! While most eruptive diseases require at least a local treatment, it heals spontaneously, and any medication should be avoided ... Neither traces or complications. Here's everything you need to know about this disease.
Pityriasis rosea is a benign skin disease that frequently concerns aged 10 to 30 years people. It was found that the frequency is higher in autumn and early spring, especially in temperate countries.

The causes remain unknown, but hypotheses about its viral origin were discussed. Appeared to be related to reactivation of herpes viruses that infected individual during his childhood. Other infectious causes are also involved and involve mycoplasma and picovirus.

This skin disease begins with the appearance of round or oval red plate bounded at the periphery by a fine desquamation. These lesions are usually in the chest, and appear a few days before the rash. The eruptions appear then, and are symmetrical and are formed by pink spots, invading the neck, chest, abdomen, and the root of the limbs (legs and arms). There is also talk of skin dermatitis.

The pityriasis rosea may be announced by fever or headache associated with fatigue. Indeed, there are several forms of tinea that differ by the characteristics of eruptions.

In general, additional tests are unnecessary, because the clinical examination is sufficient to establish the diagnosis. However, some tests may be useful to differentiate the pityriasis rosea with other eruptive diseases such as syphilis or ringworm.

The disease usually develops between 6-8 weeks to disappear spontaneously leaving no traces or any other complication, and does not require treatment unless severe itching. In this case, the drugs are usually prescribed antihistamines or topical corticosteroids. Self-medication is strongly discouraged.

It is advisable not to apply any irritant to the skin, such as soaps, creams, or antiseptic products, better to choose products at neutral pH and mild soaps. Indeed, any product could cause irritating itching and stop the spontaneous evolution of the disease. Excessive sweating is not beneficial for rashes.

In case of pityriasis rosea, the patient's understanding of the benign course of the disease is mandatory, so it is best to abstain on the treatment because healing is spontaneous and there is no complication of the disease . It is possible, but rare, disease recurrence after a few years.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →