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Hypochondriacal disorder and anxiety attack: there is a difference?

Is it simply a panic attack or a hypochondriac trend? Or maybe both at the same time ... If hypochondria and anxiety attack can be combined, it is all about different disorders. Here are our explanations.

Examples: Cholesterol, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's, ...
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Hypochondriacal disorder and anxiety attack: there is a difference?

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Hypochondriacal disorder and anxiety attack: there is a difference? Is it simply a panic attack or a hypochondriac trend? Or maybe both at the same time ... If hypochondria and anxiety attack can be combined, it is all about different disorders. Here are our explanations.

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Hypochondria is a mental disorder characterized by a constant feeling of fear and anxiety abnormally excessive in relation to an individual's health. The individual is constantly concerned about his health, he is obsessed with listening and interpretation of all signs and changes in her body, which he considered as manifestations of a serious illness. The individual then invents an imaginary and false illness related to physical signs interpreted in an exaggerated manner. The signs are usually interpreted gastrointestinal symptoms, pain, sweating while these signs are generally considered harmless and go unnoticed in a normal individual.

It is not simulated, because the patient is really convinced and persuaded of the existence of disease related to these signs. Diseases sparking fears of the patient are often the most spoken and discussed in the media serious or incurable diseases (internet, magazines, documentaries, ...) such as AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular disease, ...

The person with this disorder is a hypochondriac person.

Most often, the hypochondriac person is in constant contact with several doctors, medical consultations are very common and often result in a prescription for medical evaluation, although the balance is normal, fears and fears of having a serious illness persist . The hypochondriac person believes that doctors completely ignore his illness.

The causes of hypochondria are still poorly understood. However, the disorder often appears after the occurrence of a traumatic event or situation providing a sense of insecurity as the death of a loved one, accident, loss of a job, ...

Hypochondria affects young adults, both women and men, however, teenagers can also be affected.

In the absence of care, hypochondria can develop into complications. Indeed, the individual, extremely concerned about his health, will affect his social and professional life. The entourage will also suffer. Moreover, hypochondria can also lead to depression.

Anxiety attack or panic attack is a reaction that occurs abruptly in an individual who experienced traumatic events or situations. During a panic attack, the individual feels a sense of imminent danger, thus causing occasional signs, lasting minutes to hours: nausea, vomiting, palpitations, sweating, tingling, dizziness, ... a crisis of anxiety is characterized by physical disorders and mental disorders can lead to depression and suicide temptations.

Hypochondria and anxiety attack are different disorders. Unlike hypochondria, the anxiety attack involves a hereditary factor and occurs in people with a family history of anxiety attacks. The triggering factors are often present as toxic factors eg.

However, the person may show hypochondriac panic that can sometimes be regular. Both disorders can be associated.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →