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How to prevent and treat sciatica?

Back pain is a common reason for consultation. We talk about when sciatic pain begins in the back and follows a specific route to the foot. Sciatica can be debilitating, why a lot of people worry when evolved long. Follow our tips to prevent and fight against this terrible back pain.
Sciatica (or sciatica) is a localized pain in the path of the sciatic nerves. The pain starts in the lower back (the lumbar spine), touch the buttock, thigh, crosses the back of the leg to the foot and toes. Sciatica pain is usually unilateral and is often exaggerated when sitting and effort. It is sometimes accompanied by tingling or loss of sensation in the leg.

Sciatica is usually related to irritation of the sciatic nerve compression by a herniated disc is the first cause. However, not all situations are the cause of nerve compression can cause sciatica:

- The spinal stenosis or spinal stenosis

- Inflammatory and infectious disease: inflammation of the muscle of the basin in the piriform syndrome, spondylitis, the epidural

- Osteoarthritis

- A tumor (metastases), pelvic abscess

- Trauma, fractures

- Pregnancy

Some factors such as stress, smoking or poor posture also increase risks.

Sciatica should not be neglected in any case, a consultation is needed to investigate the cause and take better care.

It is also useful to know that some situations require immediate and urgent consultation:

- A painful sore back and not relieved by the usual analgesic treatment

- A back pain associated with urinary incontinence, loss of weight of erectile dysfunction, loss of sensitivity of the lower body (thigh, leg, pelvis, ..)

Simple steps can prevent the onset of sciatica. However, a medical consultation is always necessary to know the exact cause:

- Avoid heavy lifting or bending, do not overwork the back and spine

- Engaging in regular moderate physical exercises and adapted (stretching, walking, swimming)

- Avoid prolonged sitting positions with frequent breaks, and avoid bad posture and keep your back straight when sitting

- Maintain a healthy weight

Medical treatment for sciatica depends essentially on the question; analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory used to relieve pain. If no improvement, local injections of pain medication prescribed by the doctor.

In case of disc herniation, surgery may be indicated.

It is also advisable to

- Sleeping on your side and place a pillow between the knees, slightly elevating the head, make sure the mattress is very comfortable

- Take a hot bath or apply frequently a source of heat at the back for a few minutes (warm, moist towel, heating pad, hot water bottle, ...)

- Stay active with the soft and low intensity exercise, walking and swimming are always recommended both in prevention and in painful period. However, when the pain is very intense, the rest is mandatory

- Consult a physiotherapist for chronic pain lasting for more than 4 weeks. Sessions of gentle massage and physiotherapy, electrotherapy and may be required to relieve pain. Sometimes the doctor is brought to prescribe wearing corset, combined with gentle exercise.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →