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How to beat stress?

It is obvious that we all face steadily different constraints and pressures of everyday life, but our brain has limits and sends us signs of distress when he feels the end. Vulnerable to stress or not, learn to control
Stress is a physical and psychological reaction of the body cope with stress or pressures exerted by certain constraints or difficult situations.

The effects of stress and attitudes to stress vary from one individual to another depending on the sensitivity of each to respond to various stressors and. It can cause physical symptoms (headaches, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, eating disorders, ...), psychic and emotional symptoms (irritability, impaired concentration, ...) and behavioral signs (bulimia, substance abuse, ...).

Certain actions and attitudes can help overcome stress and live better the various stresses and strains of everyday life:

- Recognize the signs of stress in order to take appropriate action, as soon as signs of stress appear, breathe, relax and relax.

Learn to control his breathing improves the signs of stress and relaxes the body.

Relaxation can put the body and the muscles at rest, it improves heart and lung function, increases concentration and memory, decreases anxiety and provides a good quality of sleep. Relaxation techniques can be performed in a group or with family or friends.

- Identify agents or factors that caused stress to better understand the problem, identify the source of anxiety and face

- Do not wait to be completely exhausted before resting

- Positiver all situations

- Do not be locked out of self, regain self-confidence, to recognize their needs, prevent or repress their desires impressions, learn to express their feelings

- Maintain a regular rhythm of life, with fixed hours: sleeping, eating, working,

- Eat a balanced diet, avoid foods that are too spicy, focus on fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in magnesium, and dried fruits are recommended.

- Take the time to eat, rest and enjoy leisure

- Being physically active on a regular basis, playing sports (about 2 to 3 times per week)

- Anticipating and organize in order to avoid pressure, focus on one activity at a time and take frequent breaks to avoid mental fatigue

- Maintain a healthy lifestyle: avoid tobacco and alcohol as well as drugs and other stimulants considered

- Ensure an active sex life

- Get help when the situation is beyond you and becomes uncontrolled

In general, the fight against stress involves the individual himself, his lifestyle and habits. However, it is useful to distinguish between "good stress" and "bad stress." Good stress, a transient adaptation and timely reaction of the body is necessary and often generates positive feedback. We talk about "bad stress" when the reaction of the organism to a stressor becomes chronic and harmful, to tire the individual.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →