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virus HCV7

Several C virus are responsible for hepatitis C. These viruses are RNA viruses, close FLAVIVIRUS and pestiviruses.
We do not know how to cultivate.
Through ANTIBODY identifying specific antigens, we could achieve the serotyping of these viruses.
Six types of viruses were isolated, numbered 1 to 6.
These viruses have a different geographical distribution in Europe, Australia and Asia, the Hepatitis C belong to types 1, 2 and 3, type 3 is more frequently seen in drug addicts. Type 4 is found mainly in Central Africa, type 5 in South Africa and type 6 in Singapore.
In addition, subdivisions exist for each type. Finer genotypic differences distinguish the type 1a (United States), 1b (France), genotypes 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b.
The genotype 1b met in France is responsible for six out of 10 contamination transfusion.
Genotype 3 is encountered more frequently in drug addicts.
It is important to distinguish between these different hepatitis C because the viral type depends on the response to treatment with interferon in particular.
For example, type 1b common in France is less responsive to treatment with interferon. Other types have 3 times more likely to respond well to this treatment.
Type 3 met among addicts is more sensitive to treatment.
A positive response to treatment with interferon mean standardization TRANSAMINASES after 6 months of treatment.
However, you should know that more than half of people with a favorable response relapse.

In the relatively near future, we can use virological factors to define the favorable response to treatment.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →