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MS: What are the consequences of long-term treatment?

Multiple plaqTous drugs always have side effects, although they mainly depend on the tolerance of each individual. The long-term treatment of particular concern to people with chronic disease. What drug treatments for multiple sclerosis wheels: what are the consequences of long-term treatment?
Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that affects the central nervous system. It is linked to an autoimmune process and is characterized by demyelination of nerve fibers. It is an alteration of the sheath that surrounds and protects nerve fibers, while causing disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses.

The causes of the disease remain unknown, but today it has been recognized that environmental factors, and genetic factors (genetic predisposition) would be involved.

Multiple sclerosis starts before the age of 40 and affects more women. Manifestations are not specific and vary considerably over time and in the form of the disease, with movement disorders (disorders of walking are the most frequent loss of balance), impaired memory, impaired vision, speech, sensory disturbances (pain, tingling), ...

MS runs a chronic course, with periods of flares, evolution is highly variable from one patient to another. If in some patients, the signs are less severe in others, multiple sclerosis gives definitive complications that can be disabling.

The management of multiple sclerosis has been a great evolution. The drugs used today can slow the progression of the disease, but should be given earlier to get a better efficiency.

The support includes:

- Treat the signs during periods of relapses, corticosteroids are the most commonly prescribed but are generally administered only during periods of relapses due to the existence of side effects.

- Slow the progression of the disease and reduce the frequency of relapses, it is a continuous and long-term treatment. This is called therapy.

The basic treatment includes several types of drugs that act on the immune system. These are immunomodulators, selective adhesion molecule inhibitors, immunosuppressants.

The Copaxone (glatiramer acetate) is an immunomodulator and is also prescribed for the treatment of substance, but only in certain prescribed forms of multiple sclerosis. This drug works by reducing the number of relapses and is prescribed over a long period. According to clinical studies, side effects of this drug are rare. Adverse effects are mainly observed at the injection site such as pain, redness, itching, swelling, ... It is generally advisable to change and rotate the injection points.

Tolerance vis-à-vis a medication is not always the same patients. It is recommended to consult a doctor in case of reactions or anomalous signs that follow the drug.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →