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Ankylosing Spondylitis: it changes lives

When a disease tends to worsen to achieve a disability of an individual, the diagnosis and management should be made early. Ankylosing spondylitis is now better controlled. If changes in lifestyle is very important to some people, for others, these changes in daily are less experienced ...
Ankylosing spondylitis is arthritis that primarily affects the spine. It is a chronic disease that often involves men, signs often appear before age 40.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a particularly debilitating disease because it can lead to a complete blockage of the joint causing a stiff spine. At a more advanced stage, the disease causes deformations and can cause problems with posture.

The causes of ankylosing spondylitis are still unknown, but today we know that genetic factors are involved because the disease often affects susceptible individuals in the same family. There is also an autoimmune disease due to the overreaction of the immune system causing the inflammatory process.

Signs of the disease are different from one patient to another. Ankylosing spondylitis is characterized by particularly intense pain that usually occur at rest, which explains the need for appropriate care and a change of lifestyle. The persistence of pain, and their resistance to analgesics and anti-inflammatory, especially during periods of thrust, may impact on the quality of life of the patient.
Today, knowledge and management of ankylosing spondylitis is much improved, the diagnosis is often made earlier, which helps to support the signs and avoid blocking and stiffness. Complications are less frequent now than before. However, several steps must be taken to better live with the disease, some habits should be limited or avoided and other ways of life should be adopted. These changes require the involvement of the patient, but also the understanding of his entourage, and his working environment.

- Ensure regular and restful sleep, sleep and wake up at set times. Use a firm mattress to keep the back and neck aligned

- Eat a balanced diet: some foods that decrease the inflammatory process must be privileged as fish and vegetable oils

- During periods of flare-ups, do the joints are at rest. Hot showers help to relax muscles and reduce pain intensity and

- Perform stretching exercises especially during periods of remission or when the pain is less intense to prevent stiffness

- Avoid strenuous activities and exercises so as not to overwork the affected part

- Ensure health and adopt a healthy lifestyle weight: avoid tobacco

- Be aware of good posture and gestures and appropriate exercises with a physiotherapist.

When a subject is functional impairment or disability stage, several technical aid forms can be used as canes, braces grip carts (during races) ...

If for some, ankylosing spondylitis can change the whole day, for others, the pain is better controlled by good habits. Stress-induced disease is also an important point in changing the quality of life. The goal is to maintain a proper mobility and posture of the spine, joints and protect against waste of energy and strength. Whatever changes generated, it is first advised to take knowledge of the disease in order to better manage and adapt in everyday life.

Raised the measures are important and must be observed in everyday life. Thus, according to the case, it may induce some changes in working conditions. It is also advisable to talk to your doctor and physiotherapist because it depends on the work and daily activities.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →