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Crohn's diet

There is no diet in the disease silent phase. However during exacerbations, a low residue diet (avoiding the fibers, so especially raw vegetables and greens) improves patient comfort by reducing diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Residues from vegetables, fruits and cereals envelopes. The softer fiber (salads and cooked vegetables) are better tolerated than fiber from raw fruits and vegetables.
Hardboard should be avoided completely during the push (cabbage, radish, salsify, turnips, celery, leek).
The rice starch is better tolerated than potatoes or bread.
Dried vegetables, artichokes and mushrooms should be avoided in case of thrust.

This restriction of food containing residues should not extend beyond the acute episode.
Outside attacks, the system must be balanced and abundant enough to prevent malnutrition, whether general or specific.

Undernutrition is demonstrated primarily by the weight loss, so regular weighing is recommended.
Blood tests can determine a deficiency of minerals and vitamins.
Iron and magnesium are made by a sufficiently balanced diet, by against calcium supplementation is often useful (milk, cheese if well tolerated).

A deficiency in vitamin B9, due to a non-green vegetables and salad diet for too long can cause anemia. It must therefore be specific supplementation.

The integrity of the ileum (small intestine terminal) is essential for the absorption of some vitamins: D, B12. It will in some cases supplement the body of these vitamins.

If treatment with steroids (see corticosteroids EXTENDED), salt intake is reduced, except in cases of very severe diarrhea that causes severe salt loss.

After surgery, some precautions must be taken:
- In case of ileal resection, avoid foods high in oxalates (spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, beets, turnips, tea, chocolate, cola) to prevent the formation of urinary oxalate stones.

In pregnancy, a diet rich in protein and iron will be respected.

In some cases, artificial feeding can be implemented either enteral (through a gastric tube through which pass the nutrient mixture) or parenteral (by infusion will be essential to the waning of surgery).
This nutritional assistance will be very temporary.

The cause of exacerbations is unknown: the quiescence of the digestive tract to accelerate healing, dietary factors have appeared to be the cause of the outbreak.
Other factors have been implicated: infectious, psychological, but none of them is decisive.

Recall that a normal fat diet is often recommended, except in very particular cases.

Diet, in any event, be determined by the physician, gastroenterologist, dietician and ... the patient.
Each case is individual and depends on the location of the lesions and of course the needs and desires of the individual, age, sex, size and activities.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →