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Seasonal flu: avoid it by asking your pharmacist for advice

e against the flu vaccine is available in pharmacies. Getting vaccinated is the surest way to escape the winter epidemic, says WHO devotes an entire file on influenza, placing the pharmacist at the heart of prevention.
The pharmacist professional nearest health
But other measures must be taken to prevent the spread of the virus. Which? How to distinguish a "real flu" a cold and control it quickly? To what extent is it possible to self-medicate? ...

These are questions that your pharmacist knows how to respond, because it is the professional nearest your home health, more accessible and knows you well. He will advise you of fast, convenient and personalized.

Influenza and its vaccine

The population was afraid before the risk of avian influenza. In comparison, seasonal flu may seem trivial. But it would be a serious mistake because, under its benign appearance, it strikes every winter millions of people to exhaust for a few days to a few weeks.

More importantly, influenza remains the leading cause of death from infectious disease in France and in the world: the number of deaths per year is estimated at 7,500 in France in over 75 years (according to the Directorate General of Health). In fact, the flu is dangerous when it affects the elderly, those with chronic disease or a weakened immune system (hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS, patients undergoing chemotherapy or long-term corticosteroid therapy, transplant patients ...).

In these patients, the flu can cause serious complications such as respiratory disease (pneumonia), superinfection or decompensate a preexisting illness (asthma, diabetes, heart failure ...). However, these complications are so many fatal risks.


The vaccine is the best prevention for the elderly, especially from 65 years, and for all those who suffer from long-term illness.

It is regrettable that people may not have the reflex to vaccination. This is the case of many young seniors (65 to 69 years) who feel like, as well as those who doubt the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine. While the vaccine allows one to go through a flu epidemic, while others, vaccinated, "catch it" anyway.

Indeed, unlike the bacteria that are stable against whom there is very effective vaccines (diphtheria, pertussis ...), viruses are unstable: they constantly vary more or less important. For this reason, scientists are making new vaccines every year and vulnerable people have an interest in getting vaccinated before each winter. Then, because we are not equal to viruses in general and the flu in particular.

Our immune system decline with age and weaken further if we suffer from a chronic illness. Under these conditions of vulnerability, if the flu vaccine does not protect completely, it greatly reduces its harmful effects and prevents many people vulnerable to serious or even fatal complications.

What to do?

It takes 15 days after injection of the vaccine for the body to make antibodies against the virus. Hence the need to be vaccinated before the end of October.

If you are over 65 or are suffering from a long-term illness, it is highly recommended to get vaccinated. Your Health Insurance will send you a form to show your doctor and your pharmacist to get support for your vaccine.

Aside from a possible local reaction at the injection site, as mild swelling, flu vaccine is perfectly supported.

However, there is a cons-indication extremely rare for people with an allergy to egg protein, as in the manufacture of vaccines, egg embryos are used.


Do not confuse flu and colds. Instead of a cold or other virus that makes "woozy" sneeze for two-three days and is accompanied by a mild fever, influenza is characterized by sudden involvement of the respiratory tract (nose, throat and / or airways). It is usually accompanied by chills, high fever, headaches, muscle and abdominal pain, body aches, occasionally with a dry cough rebellious and often extreme fatigue that you bedridden!

If the flu is not complicated, the symptoms subside within five to six days. But it can be followed by a period of extreme fatigue that can last several weeks.


The treatment of influenza is simple: you can use paracetamol to lower fever and ease aches and pains and vitamin C to fight against fatigue. Your pharmacist will advise you to take this treatment from the onset of symptoms, depending on your needs, you suggest a nasal and / or a dry cough for rebel cough decongestant. It will recommend that you visit your doctor but also drink plenty of water and you re-po-ing! There is no point in dragging or forcing to go about your normal activities, you may get tired and more especially to facilitate the spread of the virus around.

The elderly with chronic disease who have not been vaccinated against the flu should definitely consult their doctor soon after the onset of flu symptoms to prevent any complications. On the other hand, more and more people have realized that antibiotics were ineffective against the flu, except in cases of bacterial infection. In this case, only a doctor can decide on their prescription.

Prevention is important

When a flu epidemic raging, some panic seeing cases multiply around them: they have not been vaccinated and for them it is not about to stop working. In this case, may be used as a preventive or curative specific anti-flu treatment.

They exist since 1998. They are prescription only and must be used well:

- As a preventive measure within 48 hours after contact with a person suffering from the flu;
- As healing within 48 hours after the first symptoms.
- To avoid the complications of influenza in a fragile person who received a flu vaccine, but who still developed the disease.

In all cases, treatment should be followed for five to seven days to be effective.

Your pharmacist will remind you that the risk of an avian flu pandemic absolutely does not justify a purchase precautionary antiviral drugs.


Respiratory viruses that cause the flu, but also cold, bronchitis or bronchiolitis are transmitted by Sneeze, sneezing, coughing, saliva when you kiss someone and we too often forget, by hands.

A good daily hygiene can reduce the risk of infection:

- Wash your hands several times a day with soap for 30 seconds after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose before and after each meal, after each returning to his home after going to the toilet;
- Use tissue paper then throw in the trash;
- Avoid kissing a person with flu, wear a "surgical" mask when you yourself are jammed. Change mask every 4 hours or when wet.

The influenza virus is much easier to "catch" that we live in winter in confined atmospheres. At home or office, you can clean the air by aerating regularly.

Influenza: several strains

The manufacturing of the vaccine remained virtually unchanged since the 1930s. It consists of inoculating the virus in embryonated chicken eggs. The problem is that the virus is constantly changing, it is necessary to anticipate!

For this, the influenza virus is collected by 110 monitoring sites in the world. Each year in February, the WHO selects three strains appear to be primarily responsible for the flu season coming (November to March in the northern hemisphere). Stem southern hemisphere are chosen for September.

Vaccine production starts in June to be ready for the fall. After incubation, the virus is harvested and the liquid is purified. To overcome the disadvantages of this process, long and complex, a new production technique has been developed: the cell culture. This will happen embryonated eggs and thus reduce the risk of allergy. Another advantage: the production from two to three weeks instead of four weeks.

In France, the pharmacist plays a very important role in the manufacture of vaccines for all industrial steps called "drug" under its responsibility. For example, it is he who oversees manufacturing, which controls the quality of lots, which allows their release and shall be liable in case of problems. The pharmacist is present in all links of the drug for a quality and safe:!


Avian influenza is an infectious disease of animals causing all species of wild and domestic birds. In some very specific cases, it can also affect other species such as pigs, ferrets, felids and even humans. This is the case for the H5N1 virus.

Fortunately it is much less contagious than seasonal flu (less than 300 human cases reported to date).

However, according to virologists, both viruses were close enough to exchange genetic material. This is what they call reassortment. Thus, if an avian flu and seasonal flu viruses infect the same cell (human or pig) simultaneously, a hybrid virus could appear "fit" more easily to humans and open the door to-human transmission see a pandemic. The government will make every effort to avoid such a disaster scenario.

Some figures
A flu epidemic affects between 5 and 15% of the population, according to the virulence of the virus. According to the Institute of Health Surveillance (VS), the average annual mortality due to influenza in patients over 75 years, would be about 7,500 (this figure has been calculated for the years 1980-1990).

Worldwide, according to WHO, are recorded between 3 and 5 million cases of severe illness and between 250 and 500 000 deaths per year during seasonal epidemics.

For the 2004-2005 season, vaccination coverage was 62.5% for those receiving support from the influenza vaccine. If proved correct in more than 70 years (70.8%), it remains insufficient for young seniors with only 45.5% of 65-69 years were vaccinated.

It also proves to be insufficient in people under age 65 suffering from long-term illness which only 51% were vaccinated against influenza in 2004, according to the regional observer influenza Groups.


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Author: Mohammad
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