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An orphan disease, what is it?

Diseases that remain unknown or only neglected ... The low prevalence, the lack of effective treatment, they are sufficient to describe orphan diseases? Here are the answers.
Rare diseases and orphan diseases: what is the difference?

An orphan disease is a disease that has no effective treatment, medication and therapy protocol developed generally aim to improve the signs and the quality of the patient.

Rare diseases are less common diseases, so low prevalence (less than 1 in 2000), the statistics and figures vary according to the national of a country or community. In France, we are talking about rare diseases where less than 30,000 people are affected by these diseases.

Most rare diseases are orphans, in fact, the perspectives for therapeutic development of rare diseases are limited due to the very few number of cases compared to a heavy financial investment in research. This, posing a problem of profitability for drug development industries.

Thus, if these two terms do not have the same definition, they mean essentially the same disease group.

Nevertheless, there are some diseases, whose salaries are poorly determined, yet still not as rare (such as Alzheimer's disease, for example). Thus, orphan diseases are not necessarily rare or unknown.

There are currently more than 7,000 rare diseases inventoried in the world. New diseases are described every week in the world.

What is an orphan drug?

Orphan drugs are drugs used in the treatment of rare and orphan diseases. More specifically, they are generally more expensive drugs, which developments are totally unfinished. The packaging placed on the market are exceptional compared to the more common and usual medications.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →