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What to do before a person who is choking?

Choking is a very common accident. If adults, it happens more often during meals, for children, great care must be taken at home to prevent the incident. Learn to adopt the appropriate response.  A person is choking, how to know? In general, choking occurs during meals. The patient is restless, can neither speak nor breathe, and keeps his throat with his hands. Choking is due to the presence of a foreign body that blocks the passage of air to the respiratory system. This situation is deadly requires urgent care. How to respond to a person who is choking? Awaiting rescue, exercise five major slaps on the back to help the victim to remove the airway. This is to cough the victim so she can expel the foreign body. To do this, put yourself behind the victim hold his chest with his right hand while leaving lean slightly forward, exercise slaps between the shoulder blades with one hand flat on his back. In infants less than 1 year, the achievement of slaps on the back is done in a different position, and remains delicate. The rescuer sits on a chair. The baby is held flat on the forearm (then placed on the thigh of the rescuer to maintain balance). After the slaps on the back of the baby, it is necessary to see the baby's mouth if the foreign body has been rejected or not. If the airway is not removed and that the foreign body has not been dismissed, five slaps on the back must be followed by five movements pressure to the abdomen. This is the Heimlich maneuver. To do this, stand behind the victim and put your arms around his abdomen, sternum, while leaving lean slightly forward. Cue your fist into the palm of the sternum (a little above the navel), and with the other hand (a hand in the other), apply sudden and supported in depth and upward pressure. This movement allows the chest to remove the air up and exert pressure in the upper respiratory tract (lungs), thus facilitating the removal of the foreign body. In infants, this maneuver is more difficult. The compression of the sternum occurs with three fingers, the baby is placed on the back of the forearm rescuer. The maneuver is performed on the thigh of the rescuer in this position. If the foreign body is rejected, then the victim resumes breathing activities. The presence of cough confirms that the airway is clear. However, medical supervision is necessary even after these maneuvers.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →