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What is a joint?

Cartilage, ligaments, tendons, meniscus ... a joint is much more than the two bone ends. Before going further, let's take note of all the structures that make up a joint The joint is a set of structures that ensure the junction of two bones. Generally, a joint is composed of cartilage, a structure made of connective tissue that lines the ends of both bones junction capsule, fibrous structure connecting the different structures of the joint. Capsules and ligaments provide stability of the joint and connect the two bone ends ligaments, connective structure which connects the two bone ends in providing stability during the movements tendons, avascular structure that connect muscles and bones meniscus fibrocartilaginous crescent-shaped structure, located between the two bones and facilitating contact and movement. The meniscus is a kind of pad that cushions the contact and sliding between two bones


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →