Hepatitis B and pregnancy
Since February
1992, the screening for hepatitis B is required in the sixth month of
pregnancy, by the search for HBsAg (HBsAg). See MARKERS OF HEPATITIS B and
The severity of
maternal infection if HBsAg is positive, will be evaluated by the research of
HBeAg, the HBc antibody assay of transaminases and IgM.
You should know
that fetal infection, which is zero during the first trimester of pregnancy,
reaches a maximum in late pregnancy and childbirth. Fetal contamination will be
more frequent than viremic density will be important in the mother, and this
density is measured by the research of the various factors we have mentioned.
You should know
that the risk of fetal damage is CHRONIC HEPATITIS.
To avoid this
possibility, measures are to be taken from the birth of the child.
This is a
protocol which varies serovaccination maternal serological profile, only the doctor
is able to implement.
Moreover, if the
determination of HBsAg positive in the sixth month of pregnancy, you should
test the spouse and children, and vaccinated if they are HBsAg negative.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →