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What should we know about infertility?

The problem of infertility is often considered taboo and couples have difficulty in speaking. The causes are many and time for consultation and each step and route to follow should be known by the couple. The road is long and difficult
Sterility or infertility refers to the inability of a couple to conceive a child naturally.

There are many causes of infertility of the couple, it be a male infertility or female infertility. But anyway, a medical consultation is required in the absence of pregnancy after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse. Indeed, the medical assistance offered mainly depend on the results of exploration and the causes of infertility.

The examinations include both man and woman. They primarily aim to investigate the causes of infertility. Genetic, congenital, environmental, functional and even psychological factors may be involved in the causes of infertility.

Chez la femme
Chez l’homme

La consultation
Antécédents gynécologiques
Antécédents médicaux, maladies génitales (ectopie testiculaire, malformation)
Examen clinique
Examen gynécologique (examen au spéculum, toucher vaginal), courbe de température
Toucher rectal
Examens complémentaires
Bilan hormonal
Prélèvements cervico-vaginaux
Bilan hormonal
Test post-coïtal
Problèmes endocriniens diabète, affections thyroïdiennes, affections hypothalamo-hypophysaires
Problèmes au niveau des ovaires : absence d’ovulation, ménopauseprécoce, tumeur, syndrome des ovaires polykystiques
Problèmes utérins : endométriose, malformation congénitale de l’utérus, fibrome, sténose du col
Problèmes tubaires : infections, antécédent de grossesse extra-utérine
Ectopie testiculaire, varicocèle, anomalies de spermatozoïdes (azoospermieoligospermie,oligoasthénospermie,tératospermie), absence d’éjaculation

Other factors related to lifestyle may also contribute to infertility: smoking, obesity, and stress.

If infertility problem, it is advisable to consult your doctor or a gynecologist directly. Examinations, and research into the causes are usually long to make, they can lead to a proposal for a medically assisted reproduction (artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, sperm donation, egg donation, ...).

Doctors take into account the psychological profile of the woman who, according to several studies, is an important parameter involved in the mechanism and consequences of infertility. One role of the physician is to assist the couple in all races and all stages.

Our tips

For the couple, it is advisable

- Accept the situation, understand the mechanisms, to knowledge of possible causes

- Do not feel guilty

- To talk, to talk, to discuss the problem of infertility

- Get help from family, relatives

- Managing stress

- Do not stop his activities and entertainment, going out,


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →