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How to prevent yeast infection when antibiotics?

Treatment with antibiotics promote the emergence of a vaginal yeast infection, everyone knows. As for prevention, the practice seems to be different from one doctor to another. Today, probiotics are the most used ... prevention is a priority.

Antibiotics are prescribed to treat bacterial infections drugs. Whatever their forms and conditions requiring their use, antibiotics in the body goes directly into the bloodstream to spread throughout the body. Antibiotics also reach the vagina.

Micro-organisms are normally present in the vagina, which is the vaginal flora. At steady state, these organisms play a protective role against infections. During an antibiotic, the drug kills bacteria present in the vagina, causing a disruption of the vaginal balance. This provides fertile ground for the installation and the multiplication of officers of the fungus (Candida albicans), in fact, they are not sensitive to the effects of antibiotics and thus occupy the middle after the disappearance of bacteria.

Today, probiotics are generally recommended in conjunction with antibiotics to prevent the onset or recurrence of a yeast infection, although some studies have been inconclusive as to the effectiveness of prevention.

Some doctors immediately recommend the administration of vaginal ovules in conjunction with antibiotics.

The best prevention is to better assess the actual need of antibiotic treatment and to choose the appropriate antibiotic, taking into account the ground. Whenever possible, the broad-spectrum antibiotics should be avoided.

However, prevention is particularly important in a person with a fertile ground to develop a fungal infection such as the elderly, diabetics, and people with immune deficiency. In addition, prolonged heavy antibiotics also requires a way to prevent yeast infections.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →