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Vitiligo disease difficult to treat skin ..

Aesthetic issues of vitiligo may impact on social life and are difficult to identify to generate stress and complex. The vicious circle of stress and vitiligo then closes and the situation is complicated. However, even if the proposed treatments are multiple support is not always easy ...
Vitiligo is a disease characterized by depigmentation of the skin, and appears as white spots with irregular contour at the epidermis. The spots gradually evolve and extend over several parts of the body. Face, limbs, joints are the most common sites. At a more advanced stage of the disease, depigmentation can affect the hair, retina, hair and mucous membranes.

This condition affects both the man and the woman, but also children.

The appearance of vitiligo essentially involves genetic and hereditary factor (a specific gene has been identified). However, several other factors have been identified in the mechanism of onset of vitiligo as the autoimmune process and environmental factors, these factors would affect the destruction of cells (melanocytes) that synthesize melanin, causing depigmentation. Vitiligo may also be associated with other autoimmune diseases. Stress is a contributing factor, causing a rapid expansion of white spots.

Vitiligo is not contagious. It gives no complication and is not painful, but because of the aesthetic problems caused by white spots, the treatment is necessary.

There are two main types of vitiligo: generalized shape and form localized. In both cases, protection against ultra-violet rays of the sun is highly recommended because the absence of melanin makes the skin very sensitive to the effects of the sun.

Some treatments are to help these melanocytes to produce melanin to "repigment" area of ​​the body concerned.

The main treatments are recommended:

- Light therapy which involves irradiating the area affected by ultraviolet rays B, this treatment is prescribed primarily in generalized forms

- The chimiophotothérapie that combines the use of psoralen with irradiation of the area affected by ultraviolet radiation A

- The laser depigmentation

- The different methods of repigmentation as creams containing corticosteroids, products containing topical immunomodulators, ...

- Surgery offers skin graft and is mainly indicated in cases of vitiligo remains stable and development of an area bounded body.

Cosmetics can essentially hide stains but do not treat vitiligo (foundations, tanning creams). These products are particularly applied in sensitive areas and where the application of other treatments is harmful.

Vitiligo is a difficult disease to treat and can not be cured by the treatments currently available. However, the size and extent of lesions may be slow and limited.

The counseling of the patient is essential because the aesthetic problems can cause stress and disruption of social life.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →