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Hiatal hernia: the pain she disappears after treatment?

In case of hiatal hernia, leaning forward position is strictly prohibited to avoid reflux or pain. However, when these signs become bothersome, medical consultation is essential not to miss a medical emergency ... In all cases, a correct treatment improves all these signs.
Hiatal hernia is the passage of a portion of the stomach through the diaphragmatic hiatus.
The assumption of a hiatal hernia depends on the signs and the presence of complications. In general, lifestyle and dietary rules as well as drug treatments are sufficient to improve the signs and prevent gastroesophageal reflux, which is the main sign may induce complications.
The pain is also a common sign that guides the diagnosis to a hiatal hernia. When pain is not permanent but appears in certain positions, it is certainly better to avoid triggering position.
However, the presence of pain led to close monitoring to eliminate pain associated with a hiatal hernia rolling. This type of hernia is an emergency. The treatment is surgical and consists in giving the stomach gastroesophageal structures. In this case, the pain usually disappears after surgical treatment.
The surgery is only recommended in cases of sliding hernia when gastro-oesophageal reflux are amenable to treatment, or if they develop more serious symptoms.
The lifestyle and dietary rules involve:
- Split meals in divided doses
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Avoid wearing tight clothing
- Do not lie down immediately after meals raise the upper body
- Avoid leaning forward position
- Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, fat, soft drinks
Whatever form of hiatal hernia by sliding or rolling, proper treatment always helps to remove the signs. A sliding hernia is easily controlled by antacids and respect for lifestyle and dietary rules, surgery is necessary when rolling hernia.
Any persistent abnormal signs after treatment requires a medical opinion and is an aggravation of the disease, thus leading to surgical treatment.
To go further
Hiatal hernia


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →