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What is an ingrown toenail?

The ingrown toenail affects not only adults but also children and infants. If wearing too tight shoes is the main factor that promotes its appearance, excessive sweating, osteoarthritis, genetic predisposition are provided factors should not be overlooked.
We're talking about an ingrown toenail or onychocryptosis, when part of the nail is driven into the soft part (the flesh) that surrounds it, this condition often affects the big toe and is a source of pain and inflammation at that level. The main complication is to avoid infection, thus requiring care and timely care. This complication is particularly feared in a diabetic wound healing which is more difficult.

It differs essentially:

- The toenail of children and infants that may be due to a thickening of the flesh situated on the edge of the nail, or a malformation of the nail

- The ingrown toenail adolescents and young adults (juvenile ingrown toenail)

- The ingrown toenail seniors (nail clip)

The causes of ingrown toenails are not always known, but several factors are obvious and promote the embodiment of the nail as

- Wearing inappropriate shoes with a tight edge

- The presence of curved nail, thick or damaged, mainly encountered in the elderly

- Diseases causing bone deformation as osteoarthritis

- Excessive sweating

- The genetic predisposition or family, malformation at the nail

- Certain medicines used to treat HIV infection

The ingrown toenail is very easy to recognize. It is manifested by pain of the nail and its periphery, with swelling and redness. At first, the pain is only triggered when the pressure of the nail, to a more advanced stage, it becomes permanent and throbbing. An infection may arise and cause the formation of pus from the nail. On a more serious point, the beads can be formed from growths on the skin around the nail and bleed at the slightest touch.

The presence of an ingrown toenail requires daily foot care to avoid infections and other complications:

- Daily cleaning with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine antiseptic is reference)

- Foot baths in lukewarm water with an antiseptic or salt (hot baths are not recommended)

- Application of antibiotics if necessary

- Wearing shoes suitable and flexible, avoid new and high heels shoes time that ingrown toenail disappears

Medical consultation at the podiatrist is particularly recommended for diabetic or if an ingrown toenail in children. The ingrown nail often resolves spontaneously in children and infants.

Antibiotics are prescribed mainly for infections. Surgery may be necessary in case of occurrence of bead or frequent recurrences. The surgery is not only treatment but must also meet the aesthetic field. There are different types of surgery for every form of ingrown toenail.

Before surgery, peripheral pulses were palpated and blood pressure levels do big toe is measured. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia administered on the edge of the big toe. Functional complications are rare, but also depend on the surgical technique and skill of the surgeon.

Our tips

Several simple steps can prevent an ingrown toenail:

- Avoid wearing too tight so as not to damage or compress the toes shoes

- Avoid cutting nails so rounded and avoid cutting corners too short nails (straight cut) ensure adequate pedicure

- Provide care and daily foot care, especially for elderly and people with diabetes. Regular checkups at the podiatrist are needed for these people at risk

- Avoid excessive sweating


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →