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Epiglottis cancer: what is the treatment?

Cancer is a disease always dreaded. After treatment, some worrying signs could be seen. Side effects, complications, recurrences ... A medical investigation is required.
The epiglottis is a cartilage structure which is located above the larynx. It consists of cartilage and plays an important role in the respiratory protection by preventing the delivery of food and saliva into the lungs.
Cancer of the epiglottis is a laryngeal tumor that develops at the level of the epiglottis.
Cancer of the epiglottis most commonly affects men over 50 years development is primarily related to alcohol and tobacco consumption. Some harmful factors may also be associated with this type of cancer, such as exposure to asbestos or cement dust.
The treatment of cancer of the epiglottis is selected depending on the development stage of the tumor. The support is based on
- The surgery, which includes several types of surgical techniques such as laryngectomy, the cordectomy the pharyngectomie the dissection. These techniques are performed according to the severity of the cancer. Surgery is not usually causes complications.
- Radiotherapy is used. It is often an adjunct to surgery.
- Chemotherapy is usually given in the advanced stages. It is most often associated with surgery and radiotherapy. This method can cause signs such as vomiting, nausea, hair loss, anemia ...
These treatment methods can be combined and are designed to destroy cancer cells, prevent tumor spread and reduce the risk of recurrence.
Treatments require rigorous monitoring to avoid complications. Dental hygiene is mandatory and biannual visits to the dentist are recommended.
Radiotherapy is widely used practically in the treatment of throat cancer at all stages of development, because of the particular sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation. However, side effects are not negligible, such as:
- Alteration of taste and smell
- Infections of the mouth
- Inflammation of the larynx can cause a painful swelling
- Change the appearance of the skin

Thus, the existence of a possible swelling in the throat should require immediate medical consultation for early care. It could be a recurrence or inflammation of the larynx following radiation.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →