How to avoid triggering food allergies?
Are you or your allergic to any kind of food child? Here's how to deal with the allergy.
1 Read all labels on the packaging carefully. This can be very important. Although it does not say your food near the allergy warning, you should look into the usual ingredients.
2 Find a replacement, as the sun butter (made from sunflower seeds) instead of peanut butter.
3 If someone gives you or your child a piece of candy or food without packaging, first ask about the ingredients. If they are not sure, throw it away.
4 Take your medications such as Benadryl to slow the reaction if you are accidentally exposed.
If you are unsure if you have an allergic reaction to a food or something else, get tested by a doctor. If it's something small, you may already have grown so her.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →