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How to cure conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis ... a benign disease. Infectious, allergic or toxic, consultation is always necessary for action to be taken is not quite the same. Antibiotics or antiseptic single? Better to let the ophthalmologist examine and respond ...
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the white part of the eye). The conjunctiva is a thin, clear membrane that protects the inside of the eyelid. It is a vascular structure, hence if irritation or inflammation, blood vessels are dilated and causes redness of the eye.
Conjunctivitis can be due to several causes or factors. The events, developments and treatment modalities are specific to each etiology.
 However, conjunctivitis is often manifested by redness of the eye, burning or "sand in the eyes", sometimes accompanied by flows whose appearance varies causes. The eyes may become painful, watery and are often sensitive to light.
 In case of conjunctivitis, a consultation with a GP or ophthalmologist is necessary to detect causes. It is also useful for the doctor to do a thorough examination of the eyes and eyelids to find any wound or foreign body in the eye.
 The doctor's visit is especially required when
- Signs persist for more than 3 days,
- The person with diabetes is conjunctivitis
- Conjunctivitis tends to recur
- Conjunctivitis reached a child or infant
- Disorders of vision are obvious
 Conjunctivitis is a benign condition and does not last more than 3 days. Complications are generally rare when treatment is appropriate and well led.
 It differs essentially:
- Infectious conjunctivitis (bacterial, viral)
- The toxic conjunctivitis
- Allergic conjunctivitis
 Infectious conjunctivitis
 Bacterial conjunctivitis
Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria. Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are the most common causes. Besides the common manifestations characterizing conjunctivitis, bacterial conjunctivitis causes the appearance of purulent secretions. Antibiotic therapy is required during treatment, often in the form of eye drops or ointment, sometimes combined with an antibiotic administered systemically. Bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious.
 The patient often wakes up in the morning with eyelids stuck by yellowish crusts.
 The viral conjunctivitis
The viral conjunctivitis usually occurs in an epidemic context, it is also highly contagious and often affects both eyes. Secretions are not purulent but clear and watery. The adenovirus is most often involved.
Viral conjunctivitis is mainly treated with antiseptic washes. Antivirals are necessary in case of conjunctivitis herpes.
In people with low immunity, or at risk of bacterial infection, antibiotics are sometimes necessary for prevention. However, the doctor is only able to assess the need.
Viral conjunctivitis may persist for several weeks.
Allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis is more evident among those with atopy. Dust (mites), pollen, pet dander are often the cause of allergic conjunctivitis. This condition is usually associated with chronic allergic rhinitis or asthma, runny nose, sneezing .... Doctors prescribe an antihistamine, a decongestant or anti-inflammatory, regular washing eyes with saline or antiseptic drops is recommended.
Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious and is manifested by redness and irritation of the eyes, sometimes associated with a small swelling of the conjunctiva. The itching is intense.
In case of allergic conjunctivitis, the patient is referred to an allergist.
 Toxic conjunctivitis
The toxic chemical conjunctivitis or conjunctivitis is due to infiltration of toxic substances in the eye (smoke, pool chlorine, cosmetics, chemicals ...). Burning sensations are the main signs of this type of conjunctivitis. The extensive washing with water or saline is highly recommended to arrival at the ophthalmologist. This is often because of an emergency in case of delay of care, toxic chemicals can cause lesions in various structures of the eye, which may be causing blurred vision.
 Our tips
 - Apply a compress soaked in warm water at the eyelid of the affected eye, it helps relieve itching and possible pain
- Avoid rubbing your eye
- Wash hands before and after cleaning the eyes
- Regularly wash eyes with saline or saline water
- Apply treatments or eye drops prescribed by the doctor until the indicated treatment, even if the conjunctivitis is healed,
- In case of conjunctivitis in children, it is better to keep them at home to avoid any contamination in cases of infectious conjunctivitis
- Do not wear contact lenses until the healing of the conjunctiva
- In case of local treatment drops, learn the drops in the inner corner of the eye (near the nose), so that the drug can easily spread throughout the eye it is easier to get help.

 Thus, if the evolution of conjunctivitis is always positive, it is wise to consult a doctor to better care. Treatments are different depending on the cause of conjunctivitis, and must be well conducted. Infectious conjunctivitis are contagious; care and eye care are more difficult to avoid contamination. Allergic conjunctivitis requires more specific care and it is advisable to avoid allergens, causing irritation.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →