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Irritable bowel syndrome

This syndrome is characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel (diarrhea or constipation) without detectable organic cause.
The pain is often relieved when issuing stool or gas.
Another criterion is the increase in stool frequency during the onset of pain.
There is an abnormal stool frequency (more than three bowel movements per day) with abnormal discharge (extensive efforts, urgency, feeling of incomplete evacuation).
Abdominal distention with bloating is the rule.
Gastro-oesophageal dyspeptic syndrome (see DYSPEPSIA) is present in two thirds of cases.
A female predominance is evident, usually between the 4th and 5th decade.
This disease causes disability can be very troublesome in the family working life, leisure, domestic, marital relations and friendly.
The symptoms are often misleading and could lead to wrongly appendectomy or cholecystectomy (gall bladder) illegitimate.
The pain is often localized at a specific point but sometimes it is diffuse.
It can be spasmodic or continuous short, dull and annoying, daytime in most cases but sometimes night.
Often triggered by stress and improved during the weekend and holidays.
Constipation or diarrhea can be very annoying, with bloating and defecation disorders.
Extra-intestinal symptoms are common: fibromyalgia, dyspareunia, urinary frequency, chronic low back pain.
However, any loss of blood in it is a warning sign can and must see a doctor quickly.
It is noted that anxiety is often found that anxiolytic treatment and sometimes improves symptoms: impairment of NERVOUS SYSTEM SELF (qv) is often involved (see neurovegetative dystonia).

Blood cell count, platelet dose, serum electrolytes, sedimentation rate.
TSH (hypothyroidism is possibly classical).
It may be necessary to detect a possible celiac disease.
A colonoscopy may be necessary if, for example, intestinal bleeding.
Antispasmodics should be offered as first-line (Debridat; Dicetel example).
The diet should be balanced with a reduction in saturated fat and alcohol,
Low fermentable carbohydrates such as rice are preferred to potatoes or pasta because they reduce the fermentation cause of this syndrome is characterized by abdominal pain and bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation) without cause detectable organic.
The pain is often relieved when issuing stool or gas.
Another criterion is the increase in stool frequency during the onset of pain.
There is an abnormal stool frequency (more than three bowel movements per day) with abnormal discharge (extensive efforts, urgency, feeling of incomplete evacuation).
Abdominal distention with bloating is the rule.
Gastro-oesophageal dyspeptic syndrome (see DYSPEPSIA) is present in two thirds of cases.
A female predominance is evident, usually between the 4th and 5th decade.
This disease causes disability can be very troublesome in the family working life, leisure, domestic, marital relations and friendly.
The symptoms are often misleading and could lead to wrongly appendectomy or cholecystectomy (gall bladder) illegitimate.
The pain is often localized at a specific point but sometimes it is diffuse.
It can be spasmodic or continuous short, dull and annoying, daytime in most cases but sometimes night
Often triggered by stress and improved during the weekend and holidays.
Constipation or diarrhea can be very annoying, with bloating and defecation disorders.
Extra-intestinal symptoms are common: fibromyalgia, dyspareunia, urinary frequency, chronic low back pain.
However, any loss of blood in it is a warning sign can and must see a doctor quickly.
It is noted that anxiety is often found that anxiolytic treatment and sometimes improves symptoms: impairment of NERVOUS SYSTEM SELF (qv) is often involved (see neurovegetative dystonia).
Blood cell count, platelet dose, serum electrolytes, sedimentation rate.
TSH (hypothyroidism is possibly classical).
It may be necessary to detect a possible celiac disease.
A colonoscopy may be necessary if, for example, intestinal bleeding.
Antispasmodics should be offered as first-line (Debridat; Dicetel example).
The diet should be balanced with a reduction in saturated fat and alcohol,
Low fermentable carbohydrates such as rice are preferred to potatoes or pasta because they reduce the fermentation causing gas production.
Clays as the Bedelix smecta the absorbent polykaraya gas limit distension
If the pain persists it may be useful to use low-dose antidepressants.

The receptor agonists serotonin (5HT4 and 5HT3) administration is a new therapeutic approach in which the leader is tegaserod.
Antagonists of 5-HT3 receptor as alosetron (Lotronex) decreased visceral sensitivity but result in a slowing of transit and should be reserved for diarrheal patients.
Antagonists of 5-HT4 receptors as tegaserod (Zelnorm) accelerate transit and should be reserved for rather constipated patient.
They modulate gastrointestinal motility (stimulation of peristalsis and decreased sensitivity to distension).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →