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Latex allergy

Allergy to latex (rubber) is quite common and has the distinction of being often associated with food allergies (cross allergies with exotic fruits).
This IgE dependent allergy to latex affects nearly 10% of the subjects of the medical professions and 0.5% of the general population
After an unexpected touch can occur either:
- A contact urticaria,
- Rhinoconjunctivitis,
Gloves housewives, surgeons, balloons, condoms are often involved (requiring use of non-latex condoms as Avanti, or deproteinized latex condoms, as ansell non-exhaustive list) .
Symptoms usually appear 15 minutes after contact.
A PRICK TEST immediate reading is performed by the dermatologist (except against-indicated in case of drug taking beta-blockers).
If PRICK TEST is difficult to interpret the specific IgE to latex may be practiced.
It will always find a cross allergy to exotic fruits (foods most often causes are: kiwi, avocado, banana, pear, melon, passion fruit, and even chestnuts, grapes, strawberries, walnuts, hazelnuts, potato, buckwheat, celery, spinach, tomato).
The patient should be on a card indicating his latex allergy card which must be presented to all doctors (especially surgeons, anesthesiologists, gynecologists, dentists, who will use specific gloves PVC or neoprene)
- It should be noted the possibility of a false food allergy is in fact due to a latex allergy due to the use of latex gloves used in the handling of certain foods.

We must respect the total eviction of all objects in latex, not only those described above but also nipples, bathing caps, diving equipment diving, infant rattles, pears injection, elastic diapers, water bottles, sunglasses, diving underwater, the bandages for varicose veins, leg racket, shoe soles (non exhaustive list) and avoid eating exotic fruits mentioned above.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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